Chapter 19 - Vivarium

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The next day I decided I would ask Sebastian if I were able to spend Christmas with him in Feldcroft.
He had mentioned that he wasn't leaving for a few days, since he was most likely putting it off, so it seemed that now would be the perfect time.
However, there was one thing I needed to do before I left.
And I found a way to kill two birds with one stone.

I waited for Sebastian just outside our Charms class, wanting to surprise him with where we were going.
I got there early, but it seemed like he'd had the same idea, since he was already there waiting for me.
He gave me a smile as I finished walking up the stairs.
Since everyone had gone home, it was quite easy to guess it was me approaching.

I returned his smile as I approached him, not stopping as I walked past him.
"Where are you taking me now?" he asked, quickly following my lead, an amused tone in his voice.
"Oh, you'll see." I replied, turning to look at him for a moment, giving him a knowing smirk.

We quickly made our way up to the astronomy tower, not really talking as I focused on what was about to happen.
As we reached the seventh-floor corridor, I reached my arm out, stopping Sebastian before we went any further.
He was confused by the sudden action, but I couldn't help but smile at him, excited to see his reaction.
"Wait here." I instructed.
He nodded in understanding, and I began to walk forward.

I walked rather slowly, trying to build some suspense as I approached the middle of the corridor.
As I reached the centre, the wall began to change, shifting as it had so many times before, allowing a door to appear.
I smiled at the familiar sight, before turning to look at Sebastian.
"I present to you-" I began, stretching my arms out towards the door. "-the Room of Requirement."

A bewildered look rested on Sebastian's face as he looked between myself and the door.
"You're telling me it was here the whole time?" He slowly stepped forward, making his way over to join me.
"Yes. I'm surprised students don't find it more often, given how it's practically hidden in plain sight." I noted, stepping closer to the door.
"Shall we?" I grinned, grabbing the handle.
"We shall." he grinned back.
Once we were inside, I could immediately hear Deek sweeping, humming as he did so.
"Hello, Deek." I greeted, making my way over to him.
He seemed to jump at the sudden voice, but quickly composed himself as he smiled back.
"Ah, hello. You are earlier than expected." He greeted, quickly putting his broom away.
"Yes, sorry about that. I hope that's okay." I nodded sheepishly.
"Of course! I'll just go get the things for you both." Deek said before walking away, to the extended part of the room.

As he left, I turned towards Sebastian, eager to see his reaction.
He was looking around, his mouth slightly agape, and eyes wide.
He couldn't seem to focus on one specific area, like it was all just so much to take in.
Finally, he looked down at me, and I couldn't help but giggle at him.
"Okay, I'll admit, this is a tad bit more impressive than me showing you the undercroft." he teased.
"Really? Only a tad?" I rolled my eyes, making my way over to him in the centre of the room.
"What can I say, it doesn't quite have the same secretive feeling." he narrowed his eyes as a smirk played on his lips, causing me to look away in slight embarrassment at whatever he was insinuating.
"Maybe not, but I can conjure anything I wish." I stated, matching his expression as I met his gaze once again.
"And you have a house elf to clean for you. Very impressive." he noted.
"Yes, while the undercroft is many things, clean is not one of them." I laughed, causing him to nudge me playfully, a look of fake offence on his face.

We were suddenly interrupted as we heard someone clear their throat behind me.
I turned to see Deek behind me, holding a jug full of pellets and a brush.
"Sorry to interrupt, but Deek found the things you asked me to get for your friend." Deek announced, holding it up.
"Oh- thank you, Deek." I smiled, looking at Sebastian.
"Are you ready to care for some beasts with me?" I asked, earning a look of surprise.

Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian Sallow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now