Chapter 2

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"AHHHHHHH!!" *thump*
"Owwww.." I rub my head in pain. 'Fuck you too ig.' I think as I look around to see where I am.

I noticed that I fell into a forest. 'Just my fucking luck.' I grumble. I get up and realize how easy it is to stand.

"Holy shit..." I whisper. I look at my hands, admiring how healthy and strong they look. Not to mention how cool it looks animated. 'I wonder what I look like?' I shake my head and start looking around again.

'Before that, I need to find a place to stay.' I start walking in a random direction, hoping it leads to some sort of town. Luckily, it did.

'Wow, it's so beautiful in the Demon realm!' My eyes sparkle from amazement as I look around.

"Do you smell that!? It's delicious!!" A random Demon exclaims. I flinch.'There's no way she'd make me human, right?' I nervously touch my head to feel for horns.

'I don't have any!!' I flinch as I notice some demons approaching me. I search around me for some sort of hiding place but find none. "Hey you!" The Demon calls out to me.

"Y-yes?" I ask nervously. "You-" I cut him off.

"Would you look at the time!! I gotta go now!! Bye!!" I run for my life leaving the guy dumbfounded.

I keep running till I'm back in the forest. *pant* 'That was terrifying!!' I take a seat on a tree stump. "Where the fuck do I go?" I curse. Me being human makes things 100 times harder!

"Hey Goddess!! Can you maybe lend me a hand or some shit?" I ask, looking up into the sky. Suddenly, a status window pops up in front of me. I fell backward onto my ass because of that!

"This motherfucker..." I get up and look at the status window. I started reading it aloud.

"Wait, I'm a fucking cambion? Istfg, I already hate this. Wait! Maybe I could go to Balam!! He wouldn't hurt a human, let alone a cambion! Plus, he's one of my favorites!" I hop around in joy. Now I just need to find him... Which is easier said than done.

"Where would I even begin?" I question myself. I sigh and decide to start looking tomorrow. Man, it'd be nice to have a hammock right about now. *poof*

A hammock appears out of nowhere. "Thanks." I say. I put up the hammock and drifted to sleep.

"A human? What is a female human doing here?" A certain redhead questions. The persons ears twitch when I shiver in my slumber.

"I should bring her to --- she might catch a cold out here." They say as they carefully pick me up.

Opera POV:

'How did a human manage to get here? It shouldn't be possible.' I question. I rush back to the mansion with the girl in my arms.

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