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The Goddamn Fucking Truth About Me - May 31, 2015

(Warning: a shitload of swearing)

Hi so um I was actually thinking of making this like a diary that I write each night that expresses my feelings and such and most likely no one gives a shit but I want to do it and honestly I don't really give a fuck about your opinion if its negative so yeah.

Okay so I literally did nothing today except watch this is us for the first time and I didn't cry or anything (movies don't make me cry, honestly) but I did get very emotional.

Like, there were so many innuendos of zayn leaving and I just couldn't bc he fucked me up when he left.

I haven't been a fan for too long, so don't give any of that shit. I have liked them since like, 2011 or something but I never really was a huge fan until February or something.

Anyways, I watched that and I had a publix sub, which if anyone of you has ever had one, they're the shit, I kid you not.

I am never in the best moods on weekends and I don't get along too well with my parents and my mom was really mad at me bc I wasn't in a cheerful mood.


I wrote a bit, but I couldn't really think of anything so I had to stop.

My dog ate the better half that was left of my sub and I got really mad.

I woke up at noon, which was impressive since I went to bed at 3 am.

I read some Larry fanfics bc holy moly they're totally in love.


so yeah, I don't really know what else to say...

Oh! School ends on Friday for me. Is anyone else out yet?

Next week I have my next scoliosis appointment and I'm totally scared shirtless because I think my back got worse and I reaaallllyyyy don't want surgery.

My back was at 30° and 17° when I last went, and I can tell it got worse because every time I sit down I can feel the tilt in the upper portion of my body.

I can't walk for a long time, or bend over for more than 10 seconds. It fucking sucks and I hate it.

I have anxiety too, so I get anxiety attacks about my back and ugh.

Not meaning to look for attention or anything, before you get all judgmental and shit.

So yeah, if you wouldn't hate daily doses of my life, just comment, or something... Idk.

Thanks for reading if you got here.

Much love,

A boring and fucked up teenage person who ships two guys in a world famous boy band and has a dog who eats her fucking favorite foods when she leaves the room.

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