Ch. 2

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Akiko POV

"I'm so sick of you calling yourself Yours Truly." The boy who was standing next to me said

"Screw you!I know that's you, Subaru. Show yourself!" Ayato said

"Over here." Subaru said walking out of the shadows

"I thought it smelled like a human in here. So, it was you.How dare you interrupt my precious sleep." He said

I just kept quiet not wanting to be detected. I hugged my rabbit I've had it for as long as I can remember I always keep it with me at all times. First of all I know I'm not human, I am like them a vampire but my adoptive father forced me to take these tablets that suppress the hunger. But we'll get back to that later

"H-How did you get in?" Yui asked

I just roll my eyes.

"Answer my question first!" Subaru yelled

Subaru smashes a hole in the wall with his fist.

My eyes widen Wow! he's so strong! I thought

"Ah" Yui yelled

I smiled a little bit seeing her so scared makes me a little happy it's about time that the shoe was on the other foot.

"Ngh... Has anyone been told anything about this lady who has come here to live with us?" Reiji said

She stands up

"Excuse me! I think this is some kind of misunderstanding, so I'll be on my way!" She said

I just rolled my eyes forgot about me again. I really hop we're not because this has to be the best day of my life!

Yui gets up to walk out, but Reiji stops her

"Just a moment. I am attempting to verify the truth of the matter.Wouldn't it be rather impolite to leave now?" Reiji said

"B-But..." she stuttered

"Are you the woman he mentioned?" A boy laying on a couch with his eyes closed and a headphone in his ear said

"Ah." She said surprised

"Shuu, do you know something about this girl?" Ayato said

"Maybe." Shuu responded lazily

"Don't "maybe" me. I would like an explanation." Kanato spoke this time

"That guy... contacted me the other day. He said, "We have guests arriving from the church, so treat her with respect." "Shuu said

"Guests? I only see one." Ayato said

"You mean you didn't notice her hiding in the shadows?" Subaru said

"Sorry Pipsqueak but you might as well come out now." Subaru said

I sighed slowly walking out of the shadows. Next thing I know the boy with the hat was in front of me his face inches from mine.

"Awww who is this cutie?" He said I could see his fangs as he talked this is another reason I'm not scared of these boys I am one of them.

Everyone of them looked at me with surprise. then at one another.

"What is your name?" Reiji asked me

"Akiko.." I said just below a whisper but considering they are vampires they could hear me.

Everyone was quiet and I looked up and they looked at me with soft eyes was it something I said I thought

I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"What? Are you telling me that Pancake here is the prospective bride?" Ayato said taking the attention off of me I mentally thank him

"Huh?" Yui said

"Oh, is that all?" Kanato said

"Hmm, more like a sacrifice than a bride." The one with the hat said

"Oh, right... And he also mentioned not to kill her." Shuu said I almost pouted

I slowly starting to back up only to run into something well someone. I remain where I was but slowly look up to see Subaru, It almost looked like he smiled a little weird?

"Really? That means we're going to have a very long relationship with her." The one with the hat said

"Ah..." Yui said startled

"It appears there is no misunderstanding, so allow us to introduce ourselves.That is the eldest son, Shuu." Reiji said motioning to Shuu

Shuu just grumbled

"I am the second son, Reiji.These are the triplets, Ayato..." Reiji said motioning to Ayato who was smirking

"You won't get away next time." Ayato said

"... Kanato..." Reiji said motioning to Kanato

" Please let me sample you again sometime." Kanato said smiling

"... and Laito." Reiji said motioning to the one with the hat

"Pleased to meet you, Little Bitch." Laito said

"And the last son, Subaru." Reiji said motioning to Subaru

"Tsk... What a waste of time." Subaru said

"But this has to be a mistake.No one told me anything about brides. And... And besides, you're all... kind of weird.I... I need to contact my father." Yui said in a panic

Ayato flips open Yui's cell phone.

"Ah...! My cell phone! Please give it back!" Yui yelled

"Should I?" Ayato said clearly toying with her which I found amusing

Yui runs up to Ayato and reaches for her phone, but Ayato keeps it out of her reach.

"Give it back! Please!" she said in a panic

"Hahaha." Ayato laughs

Subaru walks over to Ayato and takes the cell phone

"What are you doing?" She asked

I just rolled my eyes Laito saw and smiled joyfully at me. Is she really that dumb to no know what they are doing?

"I'm doing this." Subaru said

Subaru crushes Yui's phone.

"How could you?" She said upset

"Get lost." Subaru said walking away

"There, there, Little Bitch.You're about to become very good friends with us, so you don't need your silly old cell phone. Right?" Laito said with a smile

"I've actually been feeling kind of peckish." Kanato said

He doesn't know the half of it. I thought

"Tell me about it. You smell so delicious, Little Bitch." Laito said

Laito moves to bite Yui's ear

"Ah... Ahh!" she yelled in a panic

Yui runs away from Laito but trips over and falls to the ground, scraping her knee.

I smelt the blood oh god! I felt my eyes turn red, my throat so dry for the blood, I turn away so no one can see.

"Ngh! Ow...Ah...!V-Vampires? Just like her!" Yui yelled I didn't see but I'm sure she was referring to me I was too busy concentrating on not trying to drink the blood from her dry.

Oh man I'm going to loose control I need to get out of this room.

Suddenly the smell was gone and so was everyone.

I walked around the couch to be pulled into the couch by someone.

His hand on the back of my head pulling me into him.

"Your safe no Akiko..." He said

And all of a sudden I felt myself falling into darkness
"You're home now.." is the last thing I head before falling into a deep sleep

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