Ch. 4

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                                                   Akiko POV 

My eyelids slowly flutter open and I am back in the same bed I woke up in last night. Did I forget to mention the blood tables make me sleep more than usual I don't like taking them too much. I don't like sleeping all the time so I try to avoid taking them as much as possible. They also make me nauseated, loose my appetite and beyond ill.

But when I get a whiff of blood all bets are off the table sometimes I lose complete control and go to the source of the blood and drink without giving a damn which might I add is bad because I almost kill the person being starved of real blood for so long does that to a vampire. Or I run away from the source and pop one of the tablets. 

I walk into the bathroom, Taking off the hood to my hoodie I step on a step stool since I'm so short yet  to look at myself in the mirror my hair is white with purple at the ends. I know it's odd since I'm only a kid but oddly enough Subaru has the same colored hair. 

My fingers touching just below my eye where my eyepatch is covering my red eye. I close my eyes. 

"Demon! if I ever find out you take that eye patch off again you'll regret it!!" Yui's father's voice echoing in my mind. 

"What are you doing?" I hear from behind me 

I spin around to see Subaru his eyes widen I quickly pull my hood up. He grabbed my hand to stop me not roughly but just to stop my movements. 

"Why keep the hood on?" He asked 

"Because I was ordered too." I said softly 

He arched his brow. 

"Well they're not here are they? the people who told you to," He said 

I shook my head no

"Then why listen besides your a vampire what are they going to do about it." He said 

I nodded 

"Come on Reiji said dinner is ready." He said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the room.

I sat in-between Shuu and Subaru. 

"Your supposed to have your hood up." Yui said with anger 

"Watch your mouth! Your a human know your place!" Subaru said 

She shut her mouth and began to shake. 

I looked down at my food and just picked at it eating a little here and there. The tablets from yesterday effecting my eating. 

"You haven't eaten very much, Little Bitch." Laito said teasing her

"Ah... Ah...!" Yui screamed 

I have to admit watching her being a target instead of me is a nice change of pace.

"You need to eat properly or you could become anemic.Would you like me to feed you?" Laito said teasingly 

"Laito it's bad manners to get to your feet during a meal." Reiji said 

Laito sits back down 

Wow Reiji really knows how to handle these guys. 

"Are you alright Akiko you're looking a little pale more pale than usual." Reiji asked everyone one looked in my direction 

"You look like a ghost!" Ayato said 

"I'm fine." I mumbled 

I don't like the attention. They looked like they didn't believe me but suddenly their attention went to Shuu who got up and left the table. 

Thank you Shuu!! I thought 

When I looked up again everyone was gone. I see Reiji picking up the plates. So I decided to help by grabbing the plates and silverware on my end. I follow Reiji to the kitchen He sets everything in the sink turning around he saw I got the rest. 

"Thank you Akiko." He said with almost a smile 

"Your welcome." I said with a small smile 

"Would you like to accompany me in my study for some tea." He asked 

"I'd like that." I said with a small smile he smiles back at me and I follow him into his study.

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