Chapter 13

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Blood smears across her face as Lyssa's eyes flutter open. At first, they open slowly, but soon widen as she takes in the desolation around her. Fear and disbelief course through her veins. Flames consume the once-bustling plaza, now reduced to rubble by the explosion as charred bodies litter the ground, a testament to the disaster that has unfolded.

In the distance, individuals clad in black armor stalk the plaza, sweeping through the bodies. Their movements are calculated and precise, reflecting their ruthless intent. Survivors crawl away, desperately trying to escape. One of the armored individuals lingers over a survivor and raises their gun.

"No, please!" the survivor begs, his voice trembling with terror.

Ignoring the plea, the individual shoots them in the head. A woman runs and screams, but the individuals gun her down. Lyssa's heart races as she slowly walks in the opposite direction, unnoticed by the armored assailants. Her breath comes in ragged gasps, adrenaline pumping through her body.

As she starts to run, one of the individuals spots her and gives chase. Lyssa ducks and weaves through the wreckage, trying to evade her pursuer. They corner her, pointing their gun at her.

"Stop now!" the male voice commands through the modulated speaker.

"How could you do this?!" Lyssa cries, her anger mingling with fear. "These are innocent people."

"This is a royal plaza of the U.O.E. where they have corrupt and shady dealings. There are no innocents here."

Lyssa's gaze locks onto a gun on the ground. She reaches for it, and the individual raises their weapon at her.


"I'm just a secretary. You're going to kill me?" Lyssa guesses, her voice shaky but defiant.

"Hades Legion will sell you off on the black market."

She grunts and grabs the gun. The individual fires, and so does Lyssa. The armored figure collapses, and Lyssa remains standing. Blood stains her stomach, the pain registering only as a dull ache. She continues walking, her legs growing weaker with each step, until she leaves the plaza.

Stumbling into an alley, Lyssa's exhaustion overwhelms her, and she collapses against the cold, unforgiving concrete. The sounds of chaos fade into the distance, but the haunting memories of the carnage remain etched in her mind. As she struggles to catch her breath, the faint, rhythmic sound of footsteps approaching grows louder, leaving her uncertain about who or what may be coming her way.


A horde of figures garbed in gleaming silver armor, wielding electrically charged stun batons, gather outside a large bank building. The perimeter is marked by police tape, and police cars and officers keep watch as the armored individuals form a battle-ready line outside the building. A rhythmic war chant resonates through the air between the figures, led by a towering man in matching armor, but helmetless. His crimson robe drapes over the armor, and his mature, commanding face is etched with wrath.

"When I first encountered you, you were merely captives and barbarians who fought ruthlessly for mere sustenance. But I elevated you, imbuing you with a greater destiny, and now you stand as formidable hunters, prepared for the chase!" the man proclaims, striding among their ranks. "My family's enterprise is under siege by marauders and the lawless." The man dons a gilded helmet, distinguishing him from the rest. They all wield their batons, their tips crackling with electricity. "Once more, the world shall tremble at the sight of our crimson."

The group roars and marches into the bank, boldness in every step. Inside, red emergency lights flicker, casting an ominous glow on the polished marble floors. Panic-stricken employees flee, their terrified screams echoing through the halls, as masked intruders lay waste to the interior. The intruders swing bats at computer terminals and glass display cases, shattering them, while others attack fleeing employees with their bats, causing shattered bones to protrude from their limbs and leaving bloodied, bruised bodies behind them.

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