Chapter 15

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As the hover car slices through the morning air, an uneasy silence envelops the cabin. Nova, Alistair, and Venus are en route to the arena, each absorbed in their own thoughts. Nova's heart races, and goosebumps prickle her skin as her fight draws nearer. She replays the words of encouragement from Torin, her mother, and Gaia, each offering support in their unique ways.

The car deftly navigates around towering mountains, unveiling a breathtaking island. Dominating the landscape is a colossal coliseum, more magnificent than anything Nova has ever seen. The structure spans the entire island, dwarfing the surrounding landmasses and buildings. The scent of the ocean and the sound of waves crashing against the island fill the air.

Scattered across nearby smaller islands, hotels accommodate spectators from around the globe who have gathered for the Last Valkyrie. The event draws thousands to Delos each year, contributing an astonishing fifty billion dollars to the local economy through tourism and advertising. The world's attention is fixed on the event.

Exiting the hover car, the trio approaches the coliseum's main entrance. Hundreds of excited fans press against barricades, their cheers and chants barely contained. Cameras flash relentlessly. Though Nova wishes for a more discreet entrance, her managers insist on the exposure.

A man dressed in an eye-catching suit greets them warmly. "I am delighted to welcome you to the Battleborn Arena," he exclaims. As they follow the man, Nova surveys the charged crowd, a mix of eager reporters and fans hungry for action.

"Nova over here!" a reporter calls out. "How long do you think your fight will last?"

Struggling to find the right words, Venus steps in confidently, replying, "Faster than her entrance."

They continue, tension simmering between the trio. Alistair grumbles, "I thought you were supposed to make her ready for the cameras." Venus shoots him a sharp look and retorts, "You do your job, and I'll do mine."

The man leads them to a dressing room beneath the arena. Alistair's eyes reveal a subtle glint of anticipation as he calmly announces, "I have another gift for you."

Alistair presents a small box, opening it to reveal a palm-sized, iridescent circular disk, its surface shimmering with an array of colors. He gently places it on Nova's chest, and instantly, a sleek, mechanical suit of armor begins to materialize around her. Nanoparticles, glinting like tiny stars, swarm and bind together, weaving an intricate lattice that adapts to her body's contours and movements like a second skin.

As the suit forms, Nova feels a cool, tingling sensation on her skin, the nanoparticles humming softly as they come together. She shivers, both from the unexpected chill and the awe of witnessing the advanced technology at work. Her eyes widen, and a mix of excitement and apprehension fills her thoughts as she realizes the power she now possesses with this state-of-the-art armor.

Simultaneously, a helmet begins to take shape around her head, the nanoparticles seamlessly interlocking to create a lightweight yet sturdy protective layer. The visor offers her an unobstructed view of her surroundings while providing enhanced visuals and real-time data, further amplifying her abilities in the arena.

Venus admires the ensemble, complimenting, "You look stunning, my dear."

Alistair, his composure unwavering, explains, "The times we trained with increase gravity were meant to get you use to fighting in a suit of armor."

Nova starts experimenting with the suit, testing its capabilities and limitations. Alistair hands her the crimson sword. She swings the blade with precision, feeling the energy course through it, and practices rapid movements to test the suit's responsiveness. The suit feels natural and weightless, as if it had been tailored specifically for her, and she grows more confident with each passing moment.

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