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"Agh My Head..."

Dear you know what what happened?

You do?

Tell Me!

....I see those damn gods!


(Cale falls when he tries to stand up!)

My Legs lovely leaders are longer....

My Hair as well

Just a second I must go chrck the mirror

(Cale goes over to the mirror. Watching his sibkings on their beds

Thats Just stupud why'd I get left on the ground

(Cale looked into the mirror)

Readers!? I am Older!

How long were we asleep?

Lets see with our aging problems...

Mine getting better

Kim also kindabetter

Barrow....getting worse as I can tell.

I look about ten....

So Our Official me and the other two are triplets is 12....

So we had been asleep for six years?!

(Soon Cale Noticed a paper by the place he woke up how he did not notice it is beyond me!"

Shut Up Narrator!

Yeah Readers I missed it whatever

Its a note from those  bastards Gods!

"Should I wake them up!" Cale said aloud

(No One answered but he seemed go have gotten his exact outcome)

Alrighty know sometimes it feels like your an watching over us

And as an Older Sibling it good to know theres someone else there

Thank You.

(Cale Goes and wakes up Kim Then Barrow)


Dearest Readers...what the fuck...oh and Kim here.

Those gods think its a good idea go knock us out?!

Make it sleep for six years

Also Why is Barrow still aging even slower then before!?

What Happened?
Oh you don't know

I am Seven if you didn't know readers!

Cale is waking up Barrow so we can read the note those Gods Sent us the way

I see you have met the narrator

He-She-They well the ones in Bold?

Well they can be a bit much

They seem To like Barrow though Barrow calls them a girl

Cale and the Narrator hates each other. Cale calls the Narrator a boy

I call them them...and Ignore them

Readers the Narrator is

a sTrAnGe bEiNg.

The Reader,The Dreamer,and the GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now