A Gift

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(Hello Author-Nim decided to give you a gift an explanation to me and the fourth wall)

Ah! Readers?

Oh Yeah you need to know who it is

Kim here!

An Explanation on how we can communicate with you and the narrator?

Well I don't really know

But I do know is that we could Communicate with the Narrator when they got angry

It was when Barrow was still a newborn

We just got our aging problems and he was de-aged

The Scientist didn't care though.

They tried taking him

He...he could barely..walk without tripping.

Yet...they dragged him

The world shook as a yell was heard

'The Scientist decided it was not time for the test'

That was what we heard

And like they were mind
controlled they stopped

From that day on

We could talk to the narrator

She really likes Barrow

He hates Cale

And they are medium with me as I ignore them most of the time

The only person who can tell you readers on how we can communicate

Is Barrow


Barrow Here Readers

How we can talk?

Well I thought you would remember

But Maybe you don't

You seem to be a lot more active lately so maybe you were in a half sleep


It was after Cale had a really bad experiment

It was so bad they had to bring a doctor

They said Cale had a big chance to die.

We could not believe it.

Kim just sat staring at Cale while he slept

He seemed so tired


Cale was so skinny and pale

But he was awake

He kept telling them he would be fine

But Kim would continue to stare

It scared me

It worried me

I did something

I don't think I ever did before

I prayed

For a miracle

For comfort

For guidance

For a guardian

Then i just knew.

You were there




You were...my guardian

My miracle

That I also gifted to Kim and Cale

Now we know

We aren't alone

We aren't abandoned

We aren't...unloved and forsaken

Thank You Readers!

The Reader,The Dreamer,and the GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now