The Main Scenario

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My Lovely Readers Cale here.

We have officially been in the Main Scenario for 30 mins

We have been attacked by so many more monsters

Since then

Lots of Zombie Scientist

Dragonlike Lizards

One time we got split up.

We finally met each other again

I had to fight a giant insect

Kim said he fought alive machinery that was taken as shells for Monster Crabs.

Barrow said he fought a giant worm that was bright pink.

He said it looked funny.

We all have gotton our fair share of experiences seperate and together.

Until We had to stop.

We heard something


The Gods- No constellations told us the main heroes of this world were here.

Yes the Main Heroes.

This world was a Story for that one reader.

And apparently they were the main characters.

And the story ended already

We were confused at first

Until Kims Constellation told us we caused the main scenario to start again with are weird birth.

Which we still don't know why our birth is weird.

I can't remember it.

Its like a blank in my mind.

I know I Know

You can't usually remember your birth

But I think we would remember our mom

After a lot of thinking

I made a realization.

We have only been here since we were 2 almost 3.

So we would have a little memory of our Mother or our father

[I have literally forgotten if I put anything about when they came to the lab. As I forget things to often and is too lazy to read back so ye]

But we have none.

But back to our problem at hand.



(Barrow said with  thought)

"What is it Barrow?"

(Cale said in a whisper)

Narrator stop


"Cale Kim Iw've decwided I Hwate Pweople"


"Kim- Barrow- No-"

"Kim. Yes"

"Barrow Yes"


"Uh Hello Children?"

Uh Oh we were loud

The three looked up to see the heroes looking at them

And the Man who spoke was the one wearing a white coat.

(If you wondering about the constellations of the heroes the Author Has decided to ignore them for now-She forget their Modifers)

[Qobdkwbd I am working on it!]

(The two groups stared at each other...and I looked at him...and he looked at me...and I looked at him...and he looked at me)

"RUN!" Cale yelled

(So they did Cale picked up Barrow who has short legs not a good runner but a good jumper like a bunny)

"Fwuck Ywo Nraator"

"Hey You three wait!"

(But they were to late...damn they are fast)

(Readers Forgive the author you must switch away from the red heads depressing I know)

"Kim Dokja..."
Joonghyuk said

"I know...I Know..."

"What were three children doing here?" Han Sooyoung questioned

"I Don't know...but it may have something with the files we found...lets find a safe place and look at them" Kim Dokja stated

"Alright" his company answered

(Find up next chapter the Secret of the Birth of the triplets )


Hope you liked this

I have a question

Can I have suggestions for this new idea I have

Its Barrow and Cale

Like through different times of their world

To also looping to other worlds

Like a modern world

And They have to keep in character

Like of their counterparts were Cale-Villain

They had to be Villain or Hero

No matter how stupid

Or looping in their world

Its just crack
But I need timelines when they looped and shit

Im not coordinated enough in my brain to do that...little concerning maybe

Also suggest aus for them to loop into

Like a streamer au or smth idk

Also Complaint below⏬

Ite 8:26am I have yet to sleep.

I've been awake for 11 hours


Also  one of contacts fell out and won't go back in

My vision is so blurry

And I am so angry as I have been trying to get it in for 2 hours


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