I used to think that you could trust anyone, that everything you read on the internet was true and you could always believe it. If someone said something about themselves then it was true, if a rumor was being passed around then it was most likely true. Such a stupid child I was. I remember texting anyone online that would text me back. I remember not caring about the risk I was taking every time I told them something about me. But with each friend, it was the same thing, boring conversations that only lasted for a few hours. That all changed on my 16th birthday when I got a messaged from a boy also known as Ash. We immediately hit it off, talking until we could barely keep our eyes open. This continued on for 3 years. We had grown pretty close for people who didn't even know each other or had seen each other in person.
I sit on the kitchen counter, rapidly moving my thumbs as I continue to text Ash. We had been texting all night and I was pretty sure my roommates were going to strangle me if I said one more thing about my long distance best friend.
"Allison if you text him any longer your thumbs are going to fall off," one of my roommates,Kirsten, spoke up causing me to jump and fall off the counter and my friends to burst into laughter.
"Haha very funny," I say sarcastically as I roll my eyes then look back down at my phone until it was snatched up.
"I'll take that," Savy said as she took my phone and pretended as if she was reading through my messages, "Oh Ashton I can't wait until we meet! We can live together forever and ever with our billions of children also known as cats!" Savy pretended to read and I just rolled my eyes, snatching my phone away from her and clicked off my phone before putting it on the counter. Kirsten gasped dramatically and Savy laughed.
"The phone left her hands! What has this world come to?!" Kirsten yelled dramatically and Hannah, our other roommate, ran into the room and instantly tripped and fell.
"Smart one," I muttered until my phone went off and I ran towards it but fell as well.
"Smart one!" Hannah yelled and I glared at her playfully before standing up and grabbing my phone.
"You will never guess who it is!" I shouted excitedly and they all looked at each other then at me.
"Ash," they all said in unison. I quickly nodded before I began typing on my phone once again.
"Why can't you just meet up with him? I mean you said it yourself, he lives in California," Hannah spoke up as she leaned against the kitchen counter. I immediately shook my head. No way, I wasn't going to do that. I loved Ashton and I knew he loved me, even if we hadn't met each other. But part of me was scared to meet him. It wasn't the fact that he could be some stranger, but it was the fact he had never seen my face. What if that made him change his mind about me? He was one of the closest friends I had and I was not ready to lose this friend ship and I never would be.
"You know I can't do that, for all we know he could be some serial killer that's out to get me," I said softly as I fiddled with my fingers out of nervous habit. Although I knew Ash wasn't a killer. If he was then he most likely wouldn't have talked to me for 3 years straight. But I always used the same excuse when they mentioned meeting him every morning.
"Oh c'mon Allison! If you really thought he was some murderer you wouldn't be texting him right now!" Kirsten yelled from the living room and I quickly nodded.
"Good point," I agreed through a long sigh and stared at my hands as I continued to fiddle with my fingers.
"Then do it! Message him right now," Hannah demanded and Savy quickly nodded.
"If you don't do it then I will do it for you," Savy added in with a small smirk and I let out a small sigh, slowly nodding.
"Fine, I'll do it," I agreed and grabbed my phone, typing in the message as I listened to my roommates squeal and chat about me messaging Ash. Those little fangirls.
'Hey Ash :) So I was thinking, Maybe we could meet up sometime this week if possible. I mean you said yourself that you lived in California and we should meet up sometime. So what do you say?'
I sent the message and clicked off my phone, letting out a long sigh before allowing a small smile. I had done it, I had finally asked him to meet up with me. All I had to do was wait.

FanfictionWhat would you do if everything you thought you knew about a person was all fake?