07│Hospital Visit

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Busan hospital

Everyone was gathered in the room where Taehyung is laying on the bed with a cold expression.. He is not even facing his family while everyone is worried about him.. But his hyungs are somehow mad at him.. Neither they also stay there with a cold mad expression.. As minji announced..

Minji : Everyone leave i want to have take with him..

She said with such a cold way  made everyone leave that she move towards his bed and angrily sigh seeing him still not looking at heras she ask with cold voice..

Minji : Why you went there..?

Not even looking at her he said with a low voice..

Taehyung : You said me to go out with hayoon.. So i did..

She got angry hearing his son's arrogant words but controlling her anger she said..

Minji : Why you are keeping eye on yn..? When you already left her..? I told.. I told you a hundred time.. If you don't want to hold her just let her go entirely don't do some cheap things like this.. And doing this kind of some jealousy play you are forgetting something..

That time he look at her with a glare that her words already made him angry he don't like when someone inference him like this..

Taehyung : You.. You are begin selfish.. How can you not see my pain huh?.. You know what she done to me for blindly trusting her.. She just made me a joker.. She.. She completely broke me.. And you still care about her.. Then listen.. I will defiantly do everything to hurt her.. To make her cry for what she did to me..

Hearing him she chuckle and scoff at him and said in kinda mocking tone..That she already know everything what going behind her..

Minji : I see.. You are hurting her.. Yeah yeahh.. I can see.. Keeping her safe and protecting her is giving her too much pain.. And even you got shot while trying to hurt her isn't it.. Oo poor girl is getting hurt i see..

He got much more anger seeing her mocking at him.. He clenched his jaw and shouted..

Taehyung : Mom.. Its enough!!..

She chuckle and left before saying..

Minji : Get well soon my dear ex mafia king that you can hurt her more..

And yes he is not the mafia king anymore now it is namjoon who handle everything and others where helping him including Taehyung too.. And he don't have any offence in it.. So that he can concentrate more on hurting yn.. And also he know his hyung is more deserving to be king more than him

And other side Taehyung is getting too much frustrated hearing all her words.. Its kinda true but he won't accept that.. And its not like minji don't care about his injured son..

It just she wasn't a mom who will just broke down and cry seeing her son in this state.. She saw lot more than this in her past and also she know how Strong he is and it is just like a poking a pin into him..

She walked out and saw everyone there.. She walk to jimin and jungkook and said..

Minji : Jimin and you jungkook.. Both of you should stay with Taehyung ok.. Take care of him till he get recover don't let him involve in any kind of mafia work.. Let him do whatever he want but not any mafia works.. Understand..?

Both of them nod, When other were ready to walk away jimin stop minji..

Jimin : Hm.. Can.. Can i keep joy with me..

He ask with a kinda nervous tone make her chuckle at him..

Minji : Sure jimin but keep her safe hmm.. And you jungkook don't make any trouble here Taehyung already made enough trouble.. And you got what i mean by trouble..

She said in a serious tone made jk smile bitterly that he know even after she said this he gonna find a new trouble before going back to Seoul.. And seeing that everyone chuckle..


Busan hospitalTwo days later

The fast step of him look like he is nervous or worried about something.. And he was walking like that.. And his face show the nervousness are also showing..

And because of the fast step and his nervous state he just bumped.. Made that opposite person just fall down with a loud  thud.. That he gasp at the sudden situation.. He immediately offer his hands that he can help to get up..

Yeonjun : Hey you okay..?

He said was about to pull her up when she hold his hands but before she could stood up she again fall just then he notice that her heels are broken and also her feet got injured..

??? : Ahh.. I.. I can't stand.. My.. My feet hurts..

Without thinking too much he pick her up in bridal style that literally made her gasp.. And he just done that coz he don't want to waste his time.. That he began walk holding her in his arms..

Yeonjun : Im really sorry if this is making you uncomfortable but i can't waste my time nor leave you now.. So please understand me..

He apologized, but don't know why that made her blush for some reason.. She smiled looking at him.. As soon he reach into the casualty department placed her on the bed.. Soon doctor examine her and suggested the nurse to treat her wound..

And this whole time yeonjun was there.. Since just because him the girl had to hurt her legs so he just can't leave her that easy.. And that girl was looking at his worried face with a smile..

Seeing someone worried for us make some kind of pleasure feeling that she is feeling seeing him like that.. Just after done by her treating.. He took her in a wheelchair and take her to the entrance..

Yeonjun : I will call a cab for you just wait sometimes..

She smiled at him and said..

??? : No need of that.. you already help me a lot.. My drive will here now.. And thank you for helping me..

He too passed a smile to her but before he could say anything.. They heard the car horn.. That he immediately took her inside the car.. Just before the car could move she excitedly said made him smile at her cuteness..

??? : Btw Im hayoon.. Nice to meet you Mr. Savior..

That she drove away.. He looking at her and smiled but that soon got fade when he heard someone calling him.. He just turn and got too Yn standing there with a question face made him gulp.. She walled to him..

Yn : What are you doing here yeon..?

Getting nothing to say he look away..



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