Chapter 2

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"Nick?" we all ask at the same time and look towards the lift. Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. is standing there. Sweat is running down his forehead, which he wipes with his sleeve and tries to catch his breath. He leans on the wall with both arms while we are still staring at him.

We all tense as Tony clears his throat and the attention settles on him. "Nick? What are you doing here at this hour?" he asks. "We have a new mission and you have to leave right away for it." he explains and confused I look at him.

"It's evening, if not night, and you want us to go on a mission now? Can't it wait until tomorrow? I need at least a few hours sleep," I say. "You could sleep on the plane, but it's too far for you to leave tomorrow. Meet me on the roof in ten minutes. Then I'll explain what it's all about," he says and turns back to the lift and gets in.

Confused, we look at each other. Until Tony is the first to jump up and run his hands through his brown hair. "Whatever the mission is, it seems important. So everyone packs their necessities for the mission and then comes back here." Tony explains, then looks at me. "And when I say things for the mission, I don't mean a high quality red dress that looks stunning on you but isn't suitable during the mission." I nod.

The dress he describes saved our lives on a mission and I really don't know what he has against it. Except maybe the fact that I look too good for him in that dress. But life-saving things are important, especially on a mission.

"As agreed, and if you manage to get him out of the bar without anyone following you to get suspicious, then we'll get him," Steve explains and I look at him questioningly with raised eyebrows. "And if someone follows us? Imagine they kidnap me and rape me, then there are lots of bad little kids," I say seriously as Tony, Bruce and Natasha try to stifle their laughter.

At first Steve looks at me thoughtfully, but when he looks questioningly at the other three to ask what we are doing then, he sees them standing behind us laughing. "Ok, let's go then." he says and I slowly walk towards the entrance of the bar.

Once inside, the smell of sweat and alcohol wafts towards me. For a moment I screw up my face. I look around briefly and find the man at the bar.

I walk up to him and sit down next to him on the empty chair. Focusing on the bartender, I see in the corner of my eye the man next to me looking at me. Apparently Tony is not the only one who finds the red dress stunning, because the man next to me can barely pull himself away, not until the bartender stands in front of us and offers me a drink.

A few minutes pass before I hear a throat clearing next to me and slowly and elegantly turn to the man. I look at him and follow his gaze, which examines me from top to bottom.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asks in a raspy voice. "No, thanks. I was about to head back home anyway." I explain, looking into his eyes for a moment. "How about an escort?" he asks and I nod. While we pay, I slowly stand up and together we walk to the door of the building. Mission accomplished, so Avengers get the drug dealer, I think to myself.

As I enter my room, I have already thought about what I am going to pack. And knowing that neither Tony nor Nick like to wait long, I run through my room and throw everything on my bed. Since Tony doesn't want me to have the red dress with me on a mission, I decide on a black, short dress.

After a few minutes, all the things I need for a mission are on my bed and I put them in my backpack. Besides clothes, this includes some knives and two pistols, even though I'm more the knife type.


"Alright, let's go to the roof then." says Tony after his speech he gives before every mission. Together we walk towards the lift and get in.

"Do you think it will be a cool mission?" I ask. "What's cool for you?" asks Steve next to me. "Definitely more than going to a bar, having a drink and taking the guy out," I explain, looking at Steve with a laugh. "It was something interesting to be allowed to drink on a mission." I add and the others start laughing too.

Just before the lift doors open, Steve leans down next to me. "Have you ever seen Nick with us at night? If the mission can't wait until tomorrow, even if it takes us that long to get there, then it seems more important than having a drink with someone in a bar," Steve says quietly and at that moment doors of the lift open.

"Finally. I thought you guys fell asleep." says Nick as he stands in front of the Avengers plane. We walk towards him and one by one up the stairs that take us into the plane.

We sit down in the plane and shortly afterwards Nick is standing in front of us. The doors of the plane are closed and I can see through the small window that the stairs are being retracted. Then the man in front of us clears his throat and looks at us piercingly.

"Well, sorry for the quick departure, but we have to be in Romania by tomorrow. We've been tracking the Winter Soldier and found out he's been seen there a lot at the moment," Nick explains as he takes a seat. The whole plane is quiet as everyone knows the information about the missions.

I look startled at Nick and the others. The Winter Soldier, Hydra's most dangerous soldier. He committed many assassinations and killed many people and now we have to capture him.

A/N: Thank you all for reading this book and the wonderful comments and votes, they mean a lot to me, because it shows me you like the book. :)

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