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~Chuuya's POV~
"Dazai... Dazai!"
I've been shaking this idiot for hours, is he that tired? Didn't he take like 4 naps today??
Finally, he wakes up after one last scream. "DAZAI!!!"
"AH- SHI- IM UP! IM UP!" Dazai yelled in surprise
"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH!" I yelled in response, before throwing some clothes at him.
D: "These aren't my normal clothes..."
C: "I don't care, Dazai! Get changed- the presidents still waiting."
D: "Oh shoot- forgot about that.."
C: "Yeah, well you better hurry up."

Dazai rushed to the bathroom to change, and I chuckled under my breath. I plopped down on the bed and waited, staring at the ceiling.. wait a second- why is there a cockroach there-

Dazai came back fully dressed, with his usual messy hair. He never seemed to care much about his hair, but I think he looks good with messy hair. He walks over to me and lands a kiss on my cheek before ruffling my hair.
"Bye, Chuuya~"
~Time Skip, Nobody's POV~
"Ah, Dazai. Come in."
The man in the green yukata smiled warmly at Dazai. He gestured with his hands to follow him, before entering the dark office. His sandals moved forward to his desk, leaving a satisfying 'clack' on the hardwood floor. He sat down on his chair and gestures at Dazai to do the same.
Dazai looked at him coldly. "What do you need, sir?"
"Dazai, after one of your recent attacks, it has come to light that you might not be doing very well. The agency is worri-"
The president managed to get those words out before being cut off by a laughing Dazai. "Not doing very well?! I've been trying to kill myself ever since I was 10! What made you think I was doing well?"

"Well, yes, we know we haven't been taking you very seriously- and we sincerely apologize. The agency would like you to take a mental health screener. Of course, it is completely your choice."
Obviously, Dazai declined. He was already disgusted by the agency's concern, and he doesn't want them knowing anything more. He felt It was foolish of him to let down his facade, and why would he make the situation worse? Hiding his feelings was going just fine until that one day.

~yep, another time skip (Dazai's POV)~

"Do you haaaaaaaaave to go back?~~"
I asked, purposely whining. I was laying my head on his back, watching another one of his stupid cdrama. He seemed very interested in it.
Chuuya just sighed and kissed my cheek. "Yes, the mafias waiting for me. I can't stay here and baby you all day."

I suddenly felt a wave of guilt. I never thought of it as 'babying', was I really making him baby me this whole time? If I knew he felt that way, I would've faked in front of him a long time ago..

"What-.. whatever, just shut up. Look this is the good part!! The brides head is about to fall off!"

"How many times have you watched this anyways.." I moaned lazily

"I stopped counting after 12."
The brides head made a 'plop' as it hit the ground, and the sedan carriers widened their eyes. Was this starting to get interesting?
Turns out the "bride" was a fake body. I didn't listen much, but from what I've gathered, they're trying to find some groom ghost thingy? I don't know. Chuuya watched weird stuff.

I shifted around and sat up, laying my head on his shoulder and hugging his lower waist. I could feel his eyes glued on me, but I didn't care. I cant believe I'm about to have my 5th nap of the day.. how many pills did I even take?
I feel Chuuya's hand come up and lay on my head, ruffling my hair. Afterwards, he brings his hand down to my waist and hugs me tight, feeling my breathing. I relax and enjoy the nice sensation.
My eyes start getting heavy and I close them. This time, I try not to fall asleep just so that I can be closer to him for longer. I know that if I do, he'll be gone and back to the port mafia when I wake up.

1 hour later

~Chuuya's POV~
"Oh shoot, Dazai, I gotta go. I was supposed to be at the mafia 5 minutes ago."
I look at the sleeping man on my shoulders and chuckle. He must be really tired to sleep five times today.
I feel bad about leaving him, but i really have to go. The boss is gonna be furious., and he probably already is.
I hold his head and lift it off my shoulders, resting it on the couch. Careful not to wake him up, J grab a blanket and place it over him. Before I leave I place a gentle kiss on his forehead, and make my way over to the door. I put my black shoes on and make my way out.

"Goodbye, Idiot."

~Dazai's POV~
My eyes flicker open, did I.. fall asleep?
I notice that im no longer resting on Chuuya, and I jerk up and look around. When my eyes meet the door, I notice his shoes are gone.
Slowly, I start to tear up. I tuck my head in between my knees and grip my hair.
My tearing up turns into sobs, and sobs turn into cries. Suddenly, I feel skinny arms hugging me from behind. I flinch and jump up in fear, I thought I was alone!?
But nope, standing right behind me is Atsushi, looking empathetic as usual.
"A-Atsushi-? What are you doing here?"
"Chuuya called me to be here when you wake up. Are you.. okay?"
I wipe my tears hurriedly and nod. Atsushi sighs deeply, and sits down next to me, still hugging me tightly.

"I care about you, Dazai."

I genuinely don't know what to write HELPPPP 😭
I'll end the chapter here ig, bye!!
995 words

Dazai angst Where stories live. Discover now