Boston Outskirts - Chapter Six

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Tess and Joel mutter out curse words as they try to catch their breath after we walk up a massive flight of stairs.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad." Ellie says laughing.
"You try climbing ten fuckin' floors with our knees and see how you feel." Tess replies, breathing heavily.

"Personally I'm feeling great." I say mockingly as I do a couple star jumps just to show off as I give a slightly smug laugh.

Joel just gives me a scoff and Tess mutters jokingly, "You act like a kid so I guess it makes sense."

We approach a way that is clearly blocked off by loads of rocks, making it basically impossible to get through.

"When did that happen?" Tess says, more to herself than anyone else.

We try to open some doors to find another way round but nothing works.

"All right maybe I could climb up there, work my way around and open it from the inside?" Tess says.

"Well I'm the smallest, so it'd be easier for me to get through." Ellie argues.

Yeah no way in hell I'd let her do that, risking her safety to get a door open? If Tess dies... well quite frankly that isn't on me.

"But you die and we get nothing. You stay." Tess demands.

"For once I agree." I say with my arms folded.

Joel pulls Ellie back behind him and gives Tess a boost up.

"You good up there?" Joel asks her.

"Yeah. It's a bit of a mess so I'm gonna need a few minutes." Tess explains as she climbs up higher, now out of sight.

The room is quiet for a couple seconds when she is gone and a sort of awkward silence fills the room.

Joel sits down on the ground, reloading his gun... which looks some what threatening if you ask me.

Ellie sits down as well and a sit down next to her.

For once I don't saying anything, leaving the room silent in sort of spite to how Joel acted towards me earlier.

Ellie takes a knife out her pocket and starts to spin it.

"Careful." I mutter but I don't push the subject.

"Nice knife." Joel says in his usual gruff voice.

Ellie just gives him a glare then goes back to playing with it and I can't help but smirk when she does.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Joel asks curiously.
"The circus." She replies sarcastically and I let out a laugh.

Joel just looks away unimpressed and sighs.

"Where are you from?" Ellie asks, her voice still defensive.
"Texas." He replies simply, looking at the ground.
"Oooh, you used to be a cowboy?" I joke with a grin.

He gives me a grunt and looks away from me.

"What about Tess?" Ellie goes on speaking.
"Detroit, it's in Michigan."
"I go to school, I know where Detroit is." She says sternly, but then goes on speaking to be in a sort of politer tone, "What about you (Y/N)?"

There's always a light - Joel Miller x readerWhere stories live. Discover now