Ch 13: Just Normal Day

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When I arrived at Rudy's castle, I was escorted to my room by a team of maids. I was in my room when someone knocked on the door. It was Rudy.

"Hey Higami-chan, are you in there?" Rudy asked from the other side of the door.

"No, I'm not here," I replied in anger.

"Listen, I'm sorry. Next time I won't do that anymore," Rudy said.

"I don't care," I replied.

"Listen, you're in my house. At least come see my face," Rudy said.

"If you want, I can go make you happy," I suggested.

"No, I'm sorry," Rudy said.

Then Rudy left and didn't bother me anymore. The ear ciel is now out of my body and is playing with me.

Right now, she's choosing a dress for tomorrow because we're off tomorrow, as it is the day off right after school starts.

"Yes, master. Can you wait for me a bit more?" she asked.

After saying that, she continued to think and choose. After a while, she chose the one that suits me.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I asked.

"No, master. This suit was made by Lilia herself, and it suits you perfectly," ciel replied.

"Is that so?"

Even when I got rid of Shuna and Shion and went to Lilia again, the maids thought they had escaped, but the final boss was still ciel. I was changing when a maid came and called me down to eat with Rudy's family. When I got there, everyone was waiting for me, including Rudy.

"Hello, Higami," Agust greeted.

"Hello, sir, King," I replied.

"Come on, don't call me that politely. I'll be your father anyway in the future," Agust said.

"No, King, I can't call you father until we get married," I said.

"Ciel, think of a way so we don't have to get married," I requested.

"So, what is it?" ciel asked.

After a conversation, I ate together. I was happy until Agust asked a question.

"Hey, why don't you guys talk?" Agust asked. I turned my face away, and Rudy told him why I was mad at him and how he was finding a way to get rid of my anger.

"Haha, is that all?" Agust chuckled.

"Dad, stop laughing and make her angry," Rudy said.

"Ah, I'm sorry," Agust apologized.

Then they whispered something. I also didn't care much and continued to eat.

-Rewind until evening-

I was changing clothes to get ready for bed when there was a knock on the door. It was Rudy standing in front of my room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I want you to blame me," Rudy said.

"It's too late to talk about it now," I replied.

"Wait," Rudy pleaded.

I was about to close the door when suddenly he blocked it.

"You have to forgive me, then you can just leave," Rudy said.

"No," I firmly replied.

"Why?" Rudy asked.

"I made you speak," I said.

"But that's a good thing," Rudy argued.

"No, you don't like to speak," I explained.

Then I shut the door, leaving Rudy outside.

-Flap until morning-

I'm in the kingdom, hanging out. Everyone on the street is looking at me.

"She's so pretty," somebody commented.

"Yes, she might be some noble," somebody else added.

Everyone fell in love with my beauty until three tall black men approached me.

"I'm not free," I told them.

"What? We're rank

adventurers. Don't talk too much and follow us," one of them insisted.

Before they finished speaking, they were suppressed by the guards.

"What are you guards doing here?" one of the men protested.

"We did nothing wrong," another one argued.

"You guys messed with Princess Higami Valentine," Riki, the prince's direct bodyguard, intervened. "I was assigned by him to protect the princess. Even though he's more than capable of handling you, we can't get the princess's hands dirty."

Then they were escorted away. The people were surprised to learn that I was the princess of another country.


There's a person watching everything.

"Kufufufu, I have finally found you, master," a figure dressed in a black butler suit with black eyes and yellow pupils said.

-Turned to Rimuru-

After the others were escorted away, I continued to go out for a while and then met Ayami.

"Hey, Higami-chan," Ayami greeted.

"Hello, Ayami. What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm going out. You?" Ayami replied.

"Me too. Let's go," I suggested.

After that, we hung out together for the rest of the day.

-Rewind to night-

I was about to go to bed when a laugh rang out.

"Kufufufu, I finally met you again, Rimuru-sama."

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