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Years passed since the mysterious being disappeared, leaving the planet and its people to forge their own path. The world went through trials and tribulations, facing both joy and sorrow, as the inhabitants worked together to build a future without the being's direct guidance.

True to her word, the being's absence proved to be a catalyst for growth. The people, once reliant on her assistance, discovered hidden strengths and talents within themselves. They learned to overcome challenges, relying on their own ingenuity and unity. Through hard work and determination, they pushed the boundaries of their potential, unlocking new horizons of progress and achievement.

The planet flourished, becoming a vibrant and harmonious society. The people's resilience and adaptability led to technological advancements, cultural exchange, and a deeper understanding of their interconnectedness. The lessons they had learned from the being's teachings and guidance were deeply ingrained in their hearts, serving as a guiding light even in her absence.

Meanwhile, the being observed the planet's development from afar, witnessing the transformation and growth she had hoped for. She smiled, knowing that her decision to step back had been the right one. The people had surpassed her expectations, embracing their own destinies and embracing the potential within themselves.

As time went on, tales of the being's existence became a legend, passed down through generations. She became a symbol of hope, a reminder that everyone possesses the power to make a difference. Though her physical presence was absent, her legacy continued to inspire and motivate the people to reach for greatness.

"So it Seems that I won't be needed, It boring now what should I do?" She said and An Idea Pops into her Head.

"I think It's Time To See other Worlds, ohh before I leave I need a Parallel Excistance that will monitor this Universe" She said and Created a Parallel Excistance of her self and proceed to Reincarnate on a Universe Separated to this one.


On a distant planet from another universe, a young boy with blue hair can be seen hunting down a boar with a young girl beside him.

"Shin, I'll distract it, and you catch it from behind."

"Alright, let's do this," Shin, the young boy, replied. While the young girl was distracting the boar, Shin positioned himself to catch the boar off guard.

"You're done for... Fireball," Shin said, and a blue fireball appeared in front of his hand and launched towards the boar.

"Wait, Shin, I'm going to get hit by that!" The girl didn't finish her words since the fireball hit her.


An explosion could be heard, and the girl could be seen on the ground with dust all over her body.

"Shin, what do you think you're doing?" the girl asked.

"Ah, sorry Rimuru. I didn't know that fireball would be that strong," Shin said. The two of them laughed together and went back to the place they called home.

---The End---

{A/N: So see you guys on another Story this is it for this one}

Rimuru Gets Reincarnated as the Blood Queens Daughter Where stories live. Discover now