Chapter 4 - The games.

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Lorena's POV.

Trees. That's all i can see for miles and miles in front of me, I'm still running but i have no clue where i'm going.  I can hear the crunching of leaves, i can't tell if its me crushing the dead leaves on the floor as i run or another tribute.

On a good note, i'm a quite fast runner and must be one of the closest to reaching the cornucopia. As i start to lose my breath i slow down a little, Turning my run into a slow jog. Soon i can feel my back of my throat burning. I need some water.

I must have been running for about 30 minutes before i started jogging, i've only been jogging for about 10 minutes but my legs are already aching. Then i see it. A bright blinding bolt of sunlight beams through the trees. I start to pick up my pace seeing as i'm very close to the cornucopia. As i come to the edge of the forest i duck behind a bush and wait.

After a few minutes of waiting i decide the coast is clear. I jump up and sprint towards the mouth of the cornucopia. Amazed at the amount of weapons there are, i spot a orange back pack. I look back to where i emerged from the forest only to see her. The girl 'Hollie' as she's known, she gives me a worried smile as i turn away and run for the back pack.

I swiftly run past the back pack and grab it with one hand. I silently applaud myself in my head as i run towards the forest.

The arenas a circle shape, the forest covering most of the ground all around the circle and in the middle of the circle the cornucopia. I carry on running until i'm far enough into the forest i'm sure no one will come across me.

I sit down and lean against the closest tree trunk as i open the back pack. The back pack contained a bottle full with water. I quickly swallowed a huge mouthful as i continued to look through the back pack; a rope, some medicine. Pain killers maybe? A box of matches, a sleeping bag and last but not least a box of biscuits. I decide against eating any, and decide they'll be for emergency's. I'm not that hungry anyway.

I pack all the thinks back into the back pack, place it on my shoulder and carry on walking, looking over my shoulder every one in a while to check for competitors.

After switching between running, jogging and walking i come across a bush with brightly coloured berries growing on it. I pick up a orangey coloured one and popped it into my mouth. I start to feel dizzy, i put my arm out to break my fall but end up crashing onto the dark, muddy ground with a Thud.

I blink my eyes open, to find that i'm gently propped up against one of the many trees surrounding me. Last thing i remember i ate those dodgy looking berries...I push the thoughts to the back of my mind and start to climb up the tree i was leaning on.

When i find a high spot on a tree branch, i use the rope to tie myself to the tree with the rope around my waist and slip myself into the dark green coloured sleeping bag. I peer through the tree branches and leaves, to see the pictures of all the dead tributes projected onto the deep blue sky.

The girl from 10, the boy from 5 and lastly the boy from 8. Leaving 20 tributes and me. After asking myself questions about Carters safety i fall into a deep sleep.

*Crunch* *Crunch* I awaken to the loud crunching of leave underneath me, i look down to see a girl with dark brown hair. Hollie. She obviously hears my breathing and looks up, she points behind her and makes a 1 signal with her finger pointing behind her. I think she meant that a District 1 tribute is back there. She nods and runs away not making a noise as she disappears.

10 Minutes later the girl from 1, boy from 1, girl from 2, girl from 2 and the boy from 3 come walking underneath my tree branch. I hold my breath not wanting them to hear me, the girls both had back packs and the boys had knifes and bows and arrows in their hands.

'C'mon we gotta get that girl from District 3' The girl with dirty blonde hair said.

'Shes Most likely are strongest competitor' The Dark skinned boy said smirking. He started to walk off obviously going to kill the girl.

They all followed him, i thought they'd all gone when i let out a huge breath. The boy from 1 looked up at me. He didn't follow the others yet he just smiled obviously impressed of my hiding spot, and pointed in the opposite direction and mouthed 'GO' to me. I just stared confused for a minute.

'Whats wrong with you go!' He whisper-shouted up to me before he ran off after the others. was he trying to help me? For some reason i trusted him. I ate a few biscuits, had a sip of my water packed my stuff into the back pack and climbed back down the tree.

I started strolling in the direction that he told be to go, when i heard screaming. They found her, the girl they were looking for. Was it Hollie?! Or the girl from District 3. All i know is the boy from District 1 is trying to help me.

Sorry its so short. Comment and vote please <3

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