Wednesday; 11:30 pm. May 6th, 2015

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He was torn and broken and all turned inside out without her. His heart had turned cold and calloused without her love to keep it pounding. She left him with no words to say. His mouth was dry and empty. He couldn't look at himself in the mirror without wishing it would show her reflection beside him. He never deserved her. She didn't need him like he needed her. She just left with no warning and made him into the hollow shell he is today. With his heart in two and his mind an endless whirlpool of mindless thoughts, he could no longer bear the feeling of abandonment she left in her wake. She uprooted his entire being when she walked out that door. He had no home because she took it with her. She left with his 'worthless' love in one hand and his 'stupid' care in the other. He resented every word he never said. He has an entire book filled with sentences he should have told her. Every last letter that could've saved him this pain, were the ones tearing him apart. He wanted, needed, her and she needed nothing from him.

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