second grade (mom)

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Second grade game sooner than i thought but during the summer we had to do summer camp. One my friends from school had started doing it to and we got even closer. When our parents came to pick us up we were talking about there names i said my moms name was T and she said me too and i asked her what her last name was but it was different. I told her i didn't believe her and when her dad came to pick her up i asked what her moms name was and he had said it was T. I was shocked because it was a uncommon name but it was also somewhat common. We started planning sleep overs before we had one i had asked "does your mom and dad drink" she had said her dad drinks while watching s foot ball game and i was like oh. She had asked me why i asked her this and i told her just wondering because my mom drinks all the time. We started having sleep overs and stuff and my brother G had came over to one to. We always went to there house they never came to ours because my mom would always be drunk. We also hung out with my neighbors a lot. L and IZ they were both boys that had also gone to our school, one was in G's grade and IZ was a grade younger than me. We would all go the the soccer field and play it was very fun. We also spent the night at there house a lot. They had a trampoline that we would always play in but i remember one time there was a hole in the trampoline and IZ was under it sticking a metal broom thru the hole. I was pulling it up and all of a sudden i hear IZ screaming and i look down and a big shred of metal was in his finger and he was bleeding. Blood was all over the floor and i felt so bad he had ran inside and they had taken him to the hospital. They pulled out the piece oh metal but there was still a small piece next to his bone that could only remove when he is sleeping. As weeks and months went by to our CVS trips one of our neighbors had seen her passing out and us always walking there and we had became good friends with him. He had a wife who was always doing yard work so when we would pass there how she would stare at us with a dirty look i don't think she liked us very well because i think she thought my mom was trying to get with the man. His name was A and he had a daughter named AY. I loved her i thought she was so cool and so pretty. Me G and my mom would always come over because they had a pool we would always swim in. But everytime we swam in the pool his dog named tilly would come and jump on us and then swim under us and try to pick us up because she thought we were drowning. Usually after when everyone was drying off me and my brother would go by their plants because they always had snails by them and me and my brother would keep them in a jar and take them home. She also had another friend with a pool her name was TY. TY had 2 kids names A and C. Me and my brother didn't like them very much because they were annoying. We would swim in there pool a lot though or we would play with them in their rooms. I was so happy when we left there house because it was so weird there. When they would come to our house they would cut up our stuff animals and say it needed a hair cut. I think the day or a couple days after that me, G and my mom had went outside and seen a muddy foot print by our glass sliding door. Infront on our door we had a little small stair case and that's wear the door print layed. We each put our foot to measure and all of our feet were to small. we measured it and it was the size of a dollar bill and a half. My mom had called the cops and they said they were going to put up camera but never did. To this day i think it was M's foot print but not sure. More of the same stuff kept repeating all year. The welfare checks, landlord house checks, counseling, passing out, men over. Then we had to move but not sure why.

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