the rest of fourth garde and fifth grade (mom and A)

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My aunt and uncle had drove to A's and my moms new house. I forgot to mention that during fourth grade in the weekends we would go to my moms house and spend the night and stuff because she had gotten out the summer of third grade, and when i had to leave her i would cry because i didn't want to go back. So we were already used to A and his house. Although when we visited my mom would still drink and stuff and it made me mad but atleast we were getting away from aunt K and uncle B. A had a dog named pebbles she was a pit bull mixed with something else but i cant remember what. He also had 2 big oscar fish. The house was one of his bosses houses because his boss was very wealthy and rich. As soon as we moved in with my mom the welfare house checks started happening again. My mom also still couldn't control her drinking. The first time i seen her flip out after a while was her was not that long after we moved in. A didn't know what happen and kept saying he didn't know what was wrong with her i had said "she's drinking again" and he didn't know she drank i guess. I didn't say a lot of the stuff that had happened when she flips out. When i'm first and second grade she would chase us around screaming at us or hit us or throw forks at us and stuff but this time it was different. It was just screaming and slamming stuff. A lot of the time to calm her down and make her stop A would say he was going to call the cops and turn her in. It helped for a little bit. After moving out my aunt and uncles house they had gotten mad because they started slowing down in getting money because they had gotten the child care money from us and the food stamps and everything. They had said how they were making plans to get us back and everything. They had also said how they were going to chop my moms head off and bury it in there back yard. We started putting up cameras and stuff and we had locked the doggy door and everything. That pet made me mad because we needed that doggy door because when we would come home my mom would be passed out and would open the door for us so we would have to use the doggy door but we couldn't because it had gotten boarded and nailed up. We started using a window that was in our room. We would take of the screen and open the window then open the door for the other person. The first time we did that i had gotten on all fours and my brother stepped on my back took of the screen and opened the window when he was in i shut the window and out the screen back on and he opened the door for me. We went to see if my mom was sleeping and we was awake listening to music doing laundry drunk. The thing was we were banging in the door and ringing the door bell over and over and the music wasn't even that loud so she could have heard us. That night my mom had came up to me with a handful of different pills and a water bottle and said "take them" and i said no and she kept saying take them take them and i said no and she tried to cram them down my throat and i hit them out of her hand and ran away to my room. She started doing this often and it was weird at the time but i didn't think about it like i do now. Now i think of it has my mom trying to over dose me so i could be like her and act crazy. Soon later a card showed up on our fence saying to call this number and stuff and it was from the police and i didn't get to read the rest. They kept asking me if i told anyone anything that was going on there and i said no but yes i would tell my friend. One time i told my friend and she asked me if i wanted her to call the cops on my mom. I got scared and i was like no no no no. I had told her about a time when my mom started chasing us and we went in the top bunk of our beds and took the ladder and she kept trying to grab us and we were crying. There was many of those times. One day A and my mom had gotten into aurgument i don't even know what it was about but that night my mom had asked my brother to get her a towel or something because she was taking a bath. When my brother went in there to give her it he seen a knife on the counter and he had asked why that was there. She said "because" and told him to shut the door. After that she had gotten out and went to her room. I think she had called me in there to hand her the remote or something and when i went in there, there was blood drops on the floor and i asked why is there blood on the floor" and she showed me her leg and said "because nobody loves me" "i'm such a bad mother" obviously i gave her the good mother talk and stuff. I went back to my room and then later A seen the bathroom light was left on and went to turn it off but as he was doing so he started yelling "WTF WTF" i went in there and there was a bunch of knives in the bathtub. There was every knife in the kitchen like a butcher knife, butter knife, steak knife, actual cutting knives. Everything. There was also a towel with blood all over it. It was weird thinking that's how my mom is but i didnt think about it for that long. More fighting went on and yelling and hitting then she started to come after me when my brother did something. If my brother made her mad she would come after me and start dragging me by my hair. A had came and said what are you doing let go if your daughter. He said why are you pulling her hair and she said because he keeps making me mad while pointing at my brother. My brother started laughing and so did i because it was funny how she was so dumb. The laughing had intaginized my mom and she had came for my brother and sat on him. He was trying to get her off but my brother was skinny and weak. My mom wasnt skinny but she wasn't obese but in my brothers little body it was hard because she kept getting up and drooling all her body weight in him. He said he couldn't breathe and she kept going and had said that she "used to play that game before" with her mom but my brother actually couldn't breathe. When my brother stopped fighting and trying to get her off my mom noticed and got off and went to her room. My brother was in shock and couldn't speak or move for a good 5 minutes. Later she came out and started pulling the im a bad mom thing again and i really wanted to say "yea you are you really are" but instead i fed into it i think at one time i had said that though but i think that wasn't until later when i was really fed up. A couple days later i seen a car pull in off of the camera that was still had set up. It was a cop car. I had yelled "there's a cop here". My mom was in the bathroom and she had came out and she was all ready and dressed up and said "do i look pretty do you think he will like me" and me and my brother looked at eachother and started laughing and A had came out and asked what are you doing. A and my mom both went out there and started talking to the cop, i was watching them through the window. He looked through the window and asked about the camera. They had told him that we just had it up because we were hearing noises outside. Once the cop left they came back inside my mom went back to her room and A came and started talking to us and said how she tried to turn herself in for violation of probation which if they actually took her she would have been arrested for 5 years. I was praying that she would get caught but never did. A couple days later another cop had showed up, but they brought our second family with them, CPS. They had investigated us all and had asked if at my Uncle and Aunts house did she drink because she had fell one time which was the day that they had all gotten into a fight about me and my brother. We were interrogated in different rooms so they didn't think that we were lying but boy were me and my brother good at it. It scared me on how we did it so well because after me and my brother were questioned we went back to the room where we all had to sit and i asked him what he had said and we had said the exact same thing. More of those little scared came and went. Them the big guys had came, the S.W.A.T team. It was all because pebbles the dog at ran out the door and my mom was yelling for her to come inside and was banging in the car port which had echoed. Me and my brother went to school as she was trying to get her inside. I guess someone had called the cops and said that they heard gun shots and screaming. They had jumped the fence and help my mom at gun point and looked through the house. They found me and my brothers room and asked if we had kids and where they were. She said they were at school. That day when we came home she had said "i was shot in the head today" because of course she was drunk and didn't know what she was saying, and had told us the story. A couple days later my mom had showed me something and it was a pregnancy test. IT WAS POSITIVE. I was so happy but one day she had to go to a different ultra sound doctor and she came back and told us it was a miss carriage. I cried. I was so upset. Later they had to go back and IT WASNT A MISCARRIAGE. He was still living. Yes "he" is a boy. Not that long after i guess the same person who made that complaint knew A's boss and told him about it because there had been several complaints about us and told to his boss. His bosses name was J and J had threatened to kick us out many times because he didn't like how my mom drank either. He was texting my step dad (A) about how he wants us out and my step dad was asking him if we could stay longer. The next day J was coming over to negotiate about it but as he was pulling in he seen my mom chasing my brother around the front heard screaming at him and trying to swing on him. That made him tell us to just pack our stuff and leave. That night we started burning stuff that we didn't want. It reminded me of my Aunt D. I went to ask my mom if she had any stuff to burn and she was passed out drunk. I tried to maybe shark her and wake her up even though i knew it wouldn't work. Yes she was pregnant but that didn't stop her from drinking. We had 15 days to pack up our stuff anyway so it was fine. Later we i guess J had let us stay a little bit longer because we told him my mom was pregnant. One morning at 2:00 am or 4:00 am i was in my phone and my brother was watching a movie and she had came into our room and said her water broke so we would have to go to my step dads (A's) grandparents house. I never mentioned them in any other part of my story but we did visit sometimes but not often. Her house is dirty and she is crazy.I think she was schizophrenic. We went over there and spent the night. I think we spend 2 days there and when we got home my mom and the baby was in her room with her door shut. Everyone was so normal like she just birthed a human and no one cared. I asked if i can see him and they said yea wash your hands first since the grandparents house was so dirty. I opened the door and seen my new baby brother. He was so precious. One day i took him for a walk in his stroller and i was talking to him and i had made a animal noise and he had laughed. Not the cute baby giggle laugh but a real laugh that was like a i can't breathe laugh. This was it, i was there for his first laugh. I had made him do his first laugh. I told my mom after he stopped laughing and she said she didn't believe me. A couple months later we had found s house to move into. Well we wernt that rich it was a trailer. It was really cheap because of the condition it was in. This would be our first real place....

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