Chapter Three

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Watching Lauren going through the transition from human to vampire was fascinating. I watch as she grows a few inches taller. Her hair becomes longer and fuller. I take her hand, hoping to give her some comfort.

"You're going to be okay," I say. "I promise." I then turn to Adam. "Can she hear me?"

"Some people say they could hear people during their transition," He says as he wraps an arm around me and kissing me on the cheek. "She'll be alright,"

"What if she doesn't wake up?"

"The only time I haven't seen someone wake up, is when a person was very sick and the blood was given too late," "Lauren is perfectly healthy, she will be fine,"

"I'm just worried that something will go wrong,"

"There will be bumps in the road, that's a given, but we will get through them together,"

He gives me a hug and we watch over Lauren together. After an awhile Zach and Rose join Adam and I.

"How'd it go?" I ask them.

"They took it like champs," Zach starts. "We made quick and painless. They felt nothing." He continues, "How'd it go with her?" He then asks.

"She was great, nervous but once the hypnosis kicked in everything was smooth sailing," I explain Mya comes over during the night with three newly enchanted amber stones. She makes a watch for my dad, a necklace for my mom and a hair clip for Lauren. She stays for a while but then heads back home because Melanie still doesn't enjoy being left alone for long periods of time.

I ask Adam to stay with Lauren as I go to check on my parents. After turning them, Rose and Zach put them in the same room so they could lie on the bed together. When I go into the room, I am comforted by how peaceful they look. To be honest, they look like they are just sleeping. I go over to them and give them each a kiss on the forehead. I then give their hands a comforting and squeeze and leave before I start crying.

Adam comes over to me and gives me a hug.

"I know they're going to wake up," I say "But it's hard,"

"They'll be okay, love," Adam says, tenderly wiping my tears.

"I promise you Meg, they didn't feel any pain," Rose says. "Zach and I made sure of that," I nod and I stand wrapped in the comfort of Adam's arms.

Eventually, I hear three heartbeats start to pick up in speed. I turn to Adam, who smiles.

"They'll be waking up soon," He explains. With that, Zach and Rose go beck to my parents as Adam and I wait for Lauren to wake up. As Lauren's heart rate starts to climb, Adam tells me he is going to get her a blood bag. He leaves and after a few minutes, Lauren starts to stir. I stand up and take her hand.

"Lauren, can you hear me?" I ask her. Her eyes snap open and she takes in a big gasp of air. I smile at her gently, making sure to keep my face calm. "How are you feeling?" I ask as I help her sit up.

"Alive and hungry," she says, giving me a smile.

"I can help with that," Adam says, coming into the room and handing her a blood bag. Her fangs come out of her gums upon smelling the blood. What surprises me is that instead of ripping it open, like Adam said, she would have done. She calmly opens it up with her hands and then takes slow, controlled gulps. I look at Adam in surprise and he just smiles.

"Sometimes freshly turned vampires can have amazing control," He explains. "it's rare, but it happens," he continues.

"Can it be genetic?" I ask him as Lauren drinks the last of the blood.

"It can be, so your parents might have impressive control, too.

"What do I look like?" Lauren asks me

"Beautiful," I say. Her hair is about 5 inches longer than it used to be and it's fuller. She is taller and her skin has the normal vampire glow that only the supernatural would be able to identify. "Let's go find a mirror," I say, motioning for her to follow me out into the hallway. Eventually, we find a mirror in one of the many bathrooms and Lauren is amazed by her brand new look.

"Wow," she says, running her fingers through her new longer hair. "This will take a while to get used to,"

"Yeah, it took me a while to get used to it, except a lot of people trying to flirt with you," I say, wrinkling my nose. That is when I hear the familiar voices of my parents. Lauren and I make our way to the living room, and that's when I see my parents. To be honest, they kind of look like they could be my older siblings now.

"Wow," I say. "You guys look different, good different, but different," I continue. My mom laughs.

"I haven't looked like this since collage," she tells me, glowing with happiness.

"How's your control?" I ask them. They turn towards Zach and Rose.

"Let's just say that it's confirmed that genetics has some say on how well a vampire's control is," Rose tells me. I look outside and realize that the sun is coming up. I look over at the coffee table and see the enchanted amber object that Mya left for us.

"Looks like you guys will be needing these," I say. I first give my mom her necklace, then I give dad his watch and then hand Lauren her hair clip.

"What are these for?" My dad asks.

"They're to keep you from burning in the sun," Adam explains "We have a protective film over the windows so it's safe not to where in here but when you are outside during the day never take it off otherwise, you will burn to a crisp," He tells them all firmly and they nod in understanding.

We then sit the three of them down and explain the new abilities that they all have. We explain the idea of speed and strength.

"How do you control your strength?" my mom asks

"Imagine everything you are holding is a piece of porcelain," Adam explains. "Eventually it'll become second nature and you won't have to think about it anymore,"

We then explain the different things that could possibly kill them: a wooden stake to the heart, fire, being decapitated and having their heart ripped out. We also explain the dangers of Rosemary.

"I'm assuming sunlight falls under the fire category," my dad says and we all nod. We explain the myths around vampires and also other creatures that they have encountered, but now, as vampires, they will notice subtle differences.

"Questions?" I ask them

"What about drinking from humans? I know that as vampires we have certain abilities that help with that. What are they?" Lauren asks me.

I explain how vampires have a sedative in their saliva that does two things. Numbs the bite so after an initial pinch, the person you are feeding on doesn't feel anything and helps the person relax so they aren't as scared as you are drinking from them.

"What does it feel like?" Mom asks. Everyone looks to me since I have experience.

"The best way to describe it is that you feel really sleepy and kind of floaty," I tell her. "The numbness around the bite starts with pins and needles and then all you feel is pressure," I explain
Adam then goes on to explain the importance of using hypnosis when you feed because while it also helps the person relax, it also allows you to wipe their memory afterwards.

"Alright, I don't know about you guys, but I'm hungry," I say. "Do you want to come with me to practice?" I ask Lauren. She looks at my parents.

"Go with Meg darlin," my dad tells her. "I'm sure everyone else here will look after us," he reassures her. With that, she looks at me and nods. We get our shoes and I give her a quick lesson on how to use her speed and then we're out the door.

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