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One Month Later

The last month has been beautifully normal for the most part. I have been spending a lot of time with Mya and Marie. They've been helping to understand and strengthen my newly acquired magic. Turns out the magic that the original six gave me is not only powerful but extremely strong, so strong that the first time I used it, I almost blew down Marie's entire cottage. Luckily, she has plenty of protection spells placed on the cottage to prevent that from happening. So far, they have been teaching spells that require the use of magic from the French bloodline and from the Latin bloodline. My favourite so far has to be Latin magic. While the French magic is a close second, The nature magic that comes from the Latin bloodline is absolutely beautiful.

"Try again," Mya says as she watches me attempt to lift Marie's glass vases with my magic. While the strength of my magic allows me to lift the glasses quite easily. The downside to all this strength is that sometime I lift them too fast, causing the vases to break.

"Levare," I say, waving my hand up towards one of the vases slowly. The vase moves slowly at first as I fully concentrate on moving it slowly. However, the sudden sound of the door opening causes me to lose concentration and therefore the vase shoots up to the ceiling, breaking once more. I let out a frustrated sigh and look to see who opened the door.

"Sorry, love," Adam says, coming over to us. I get up and give him a kiss on the cheek as I hear Marie say a spell to repair both the vase and the hole I created in the ceiling. "You're getting better," He says and I sigh.

"I doubt that. I still am breaking the vases," I say.

"He's right," Mya says. "In the beginning, the holes in the ceiling were a lot larger."

"And you're breaking the vases in larger pieces instead of millions of smaller ones," Marie says

I guess they're right, but I'm still frustrated. Adam places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a comforting smile.

"Hey," He says, "Magic is hard, you're not going to be good at it overnight,"

"You're getting better," Mya says

"How about you take a break," Adam says "Mel Paige and Lauren figured out how to get Clara's computer to work so we were going to video chat with your parents and the others," He says

"Okay," I say and Mya says that she'll meet back at the Brodeur cottage.

I haven't talked to my parents this whole trip due to everything that has been going on. They are bound to be worried and, to be honest; I am worried about them. I am also nervous about how they are going to react to this whole magic thing. Adam and I run back to the cottage, and that's when I hear the familiar and comforting voices of my parents. When Lauren sees me, she smiles and motions for me to come over to the desk where they have placed the computer.

"She's here," she says to my parents

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad," I say as I come into view

"Hi sweetheart," my mom says

"How's France?" Dad asks

"It's been good," I say. I don't know how to tell them what happened.

"Lauren already told us that something happen, sweetie," Mom says. Thank goodness for Lauren. "She said that it was for the best to let you explain."

That's when the floodgates open, and I start to explain everything that has happened. From the weird dreams to everything about the ancestral plane and I finally I tell them about my new ability to harness magic. The next few moments are filled with silence and eventually my dad breaks it.

"Our daughters is a witch now, cool," He says, and that causes us all to laugh. Especially when my mom gives him a smack upside the head.

"This group has just been through what sounds like a very traumatic experience and that's all you have to say," she says

"Is everyone okay, sweetheart?" She asks me and I nod.

We talk to them for a good hour and at one point Adam asks to talk to my parents in private, which I found a little strange, but I don't think too much about it. He took the computer so far outside that I wasn't able to hear them. When he brings the computer back, my parents have big smiles on their faces, but they refuse to tell me why. We then tell them that we have decided to go to England as our next destination. Adam explains that there's a small coven of vampires there called the Beckwith Coven.

"There's also way more witches and worlocks there," Mya adds. "I have friends who would be more than willing to teach you about their magic." She then says that she and Melanie are going back home as they've had enough adventure, which I completely understand.

Eventually, after plenty of I love yous and they say goodbye and we go back to packing our bags.

As I was packing my bags, Adam tells me to leave a nice dress out of the suitcase. When I ask why, he says that he's taking me on a date. When night comes, I put on my red sparkly dress, curl my long blonde hair and put on some makeup. He comes into our room in the guest cottage in a black suit. He looks very handsome.

"Hey beautiful," He says, giving me a kiss and putting a hand on my waist.

"Hey," I say after pulling back. I look down and see that he has a blindfold in his hand. He asks if he can put it on and when I say yes, he gently places the soft and silky fabric over my eyes.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask

"It's a surprise," He says "But don't worry, you'll love it,"

With that, he places an arm around my waist and then I feel a gust of wind. He takes off the blindfold, and I am greeted by a dinner date on what looks like the top of the Eiffel tower.

"Are we where we think we are?" I ask as I look over the railing.

"Welcome to the top of the Eiffel Tower," He says from behind me.

"Its amazing," I say

"I have something to ask you?" He says, and that's when I turn to face him and I am shocked at what I see. He is down on one knee ring box, open and in hand. I place a hand over my mouth as happy tears start to well up in my eyes.

"Megan Ross, you are the most beautiful and caring woman I have ever met. Would you make me the happiest vampire alive and marry me?" He asks me

I don't even have to think of my answer.


He places the ring on my finger and then gives me a kiss. I couldn't be happier.

The Hybrid Series: The Legend Of The TombWhere stories live. Discover now