Chapter Thirteen

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Adam and Chante take Brett, Annie and Giselle into another room to help them calm down and explain what is happening. Clara and I are staying with Belle and we're trying to console her. Lauren, Mya and Melanie are looking through some old grimoires that Clara has to see if there are any spells in them that can help.

"A mean lady took Mama," she says as tears fall down her cheeks. I wrap my arms around her and settle her into my lap.

"Shhh," I say, trying to calm her. "Everything will be okay, I promise," I tell her

"We'll get her back sweetie," Clara adds

"Why did she take her?" She asks me "She was mean and did a spell that made my head hurt," she says.

"Aneurysm spell," Clara mouths to me. "Hurts like hell, but minimal side effects," she whispers, just loud enough that only vampires would hear.

"Adam, can you grab my med bag?" I ask him. At first, I wasn't going to bring it with me. However, then I figured it would be better to have it and not need it than needing it and not having it.

"Does your head still hurt, sweetheart?" I ask her.

"A little," she tells me

Adam comes into the room with my bag. Brett and the others close on his heels.

"What do you need?" Adam asks

"Just my pen light," I say. He hands it to me and I look at Brett.

"She told me that the witch did a spell on her," I say, and he nods. "I'm just going to do a few tests," I tell him, "Just to make sure that the spell didn't damage anything."

"Okay," He breathes. My heart breaks for him. I don't know what I would do if I was in his place. I check Belle's eyes with the light and get her to follow it and ask her some simple questions.

"How about you go lay down in the guest room," Clara says to her. She nods and then Clara takes Brett and Belle down the hall.

"What are we going to do?" Chante asks.

"Well, we must already assume that she has taken Marie to the tomb," I say

"How much time do you think we have?" Chante asks Annie.

"Spells of this size and strength are best performed during a full moon, which I believe is tonight, so we have until dark," she says

"How are we going to find her?" I ask, and that's when Brett comes into the room.

"There's a spell we can do. It's essentially a locating spell," He says.

"A locating spell?" I ask confused on how that would work.

"It's complicated but the simplified version is that everyone on earth has a unique spiritual signature and the spell taps into that in order to find the person," he explains

"Okay then, let's do it," Saber says, but I can tell by the look on Brett's face that there is a catch to the spell.

"What's the catch?" I ask.

"The spell requires the blood of a blood related family member. My blood obviously won't work and she doesn't have any siblings, so the only option left is,"

"Belle," I finish for him and he nods. I think back to what I packed in a med back. I internally curse when I remember that I didn't pack a blood collection kit.

"How much blood do you need?" I ask.

"Only a little, but I don't want to hurt her," He says and I can see the anguish in his face.

"What if one of us bites her?" Saber says and we all look at him like he's crazy. "Hear me out," He says putting his hands up. "Once of us would bite her on the wrist just enough to break the skin. She'd feel the initial poke, but the sedative would take care of the pain, so she won't feel anything after that." He explains. Brett turns to me.

"You have the most control, right?" He asks me. I nod. "Then I trust you to do it, but only if she says it's okay," He says. He then explains to the others what other things we need for the spell. While everyone is gathering materials, Brett and I head to Clara's guest room, where Belle is.

She's laying down in the bed and Clara must have turned on the tv because she is watching it. I recognize the show as something I watched when I was her age.

"Hi Papa," she says when we enter the room. "Hi Megan," she adds when she notices me.

"How's your head, darling?" Brett asks, as he sits next to her on the bed.

"Better Papa," she says. "Have you found Mama yet?" She asks. He looks at her sadly.

"Not yet darling, we actually have to ask you something that will help us find Mama. Can you be a big girl and listen?" He asks her and she nods.

He explains to her that there is a spell that can help find her mother, but we need her to do something that might be a little scary.

"What do you need me to do, Papa?" She asks and Brett turns to look at me.

"Well, sweetie, we need your blood for the spell and there's a way we can get it so it only hurts a little but it might be scary," I say

"How would you get it?" She asks, and I can tell she's getting more nervous. I explain to her that I would use my fangs to make two tiny holes in her wrist.

"Will it hurt?" She asks me.

"It will at first but only a little and then your wrist will feel a little funny and then you'll feel sleepy," I say honestly

"And it will help us find Mama?" She asks Brett.

"It'll help us find Mama," he confirms with a nod.

"Okay," she says, "But can I have ice cream after?" She asks and Brett smiles.

"Sure darling," he says

"Can I stay in bed?" She asks me and I nod. I do, however, get her to sit up. I take Brett's spot on the bed. She hands me her wrist and I try to ignore how small it is. I can do this. It's for Marie. I tell myself.

"It's okay, Megan," Belle says, interrupting my thoughts. "I know you won't hurt me," she tells me. As I'm looking for a vein, I ask Brett to go find a cup and some bandages from my med bag. I promise him and Belle that I wouldn't do anything until he gets back.

"Okay sweetie, are your ready?" I ask her and she nods.

"Count to three?" She asks me, closing her eyes. Brett takes her other hand and starts counting. When he gets to three, I bite down as gently as possible. My heart breaks as she lets out a whimper of pain, but I'm quick to let my saliva flood the wound. I pull my fangs out and tilt her wrist to let some of her blood fall into the cup. I then take the bandage and wrap her wrist gently.

"There we go, all done sweetie," I say. "You were very brave. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Sleepy and my wrist feels funny," she says, trying to keep her eyes open. I smile softly and tuck her back into bed. Brett tells her to have a nap and after he kisses her forehead, we leave the room.

"Is she supposed to be this tired?" He asks and I nod.

"I wanted to make sure she was numb, so I added more saliva than I normally do," I explain

"Thank you," He says sincerely. I wave him off and tell him he doesn't need to thank me.

"Let's go find your wife," I say as we go into the living room.

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