Book (I): Chapter (II)

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Book (I): Chapter (II)
~Great Sky Island~

The scene opens up to Akino falling through the sky surrounded by sky islands.

[We're almost to our destination, make sure to land in that lake down below!]

Akino nods and dives down falling faster. She hits the water hard head first, Akino swims up to the surface and takes deep breaths.

"What *breathes in* the hell is wrong with you?" Akino breathes.

[Hm? That wasn't fun for you? I thought you'd like that.] The system speaks.

"I'd just like a little warning next time... I had just woken up after all." Akino swims to shore and climbs up the chipped broken stairs leading up to the grass land.

"So, where am I now?"

[Welcome to the (Great Sky Island)!]

"Sky island?"

[Yes, where else would we be?]

"Looks like more than one island to me." Akino says.

[This was originally one big sky island many years ago but due to unknown circumstances, the (Great Sky Island) has broken apart into different sections.]

Akino nods at the system's words.

"Where do I go now?"

[I suggest we go east of here, there's a big structure in the distance.]

And true to the system's words, in the distance there's a tall structure.

"That's... Pretty far away." Said Akino. "Is there anything else I should be worried about?"

[Ah, there are the Constructs that are on the island.]

"Constructs...?" Asked Akino.

[There are two types.]

[Steward Constructs: They are mechines created to do specific jobs and follow certain instructions. They can only be found on Sky Islands like this one.]

[Soldier Constructs: They are mechanical enemies that just hover above the ground. They can be seen with a red glare coming out their eyes, they attack anything they see.]

"Ah, I get it now, so I guess we go to that building east of here?"

[Yes, it looks important enough.]

Akino makes her way towards east, she reaches her destination after fighting some (Soldier Constructs).

The building looks like an old run down church that hasn't been used in years but still looks like it is in prime condition.

Sitting at the white marbled steps is a loli wearing white robes with gold threading. She has a leather book in her lap that she's reading. The girl emits a strong but calm aura.

"You're finally here," She says not looking up from her book. "You sure know how to keep a girl waiting." The loli had long black hair with teal colored tips at the end. Her eyes are a pale teal color as well.

"You've been waiting for me?" Akino tilts her head to the side.

The mysterious loli nods. "Yes, you look much younger than I remember." She says. "Tell me, do you remember me?"

Akino shakes her head. "I don't, sorry." She says. "Am I supposed to?"

The loli sighs. "It's fine, I should have expected this. You were in very bad shape the last time I saw you."

"In any case, follow me inside."

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