Chapter 41: Azure

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You wallowed in a corner filled with despair after learning what happened to Sun. It's not the first time he's been captured, yet it doesn't make the feeling any better.

"So you're saying you got attacked by D.B.K., Iron Fan, Spider Queen, Nezha, and some other demons you've never seen before?" Tang asked. M.K. invited everyone, explaining what had occured in the treasure room.

"No, I'm saying we were attacked by ink versions of D.B.K, Iron Fan, Spider Queen, and all those other ones you just said." He corrected.

"And that Monkey King was sucked into an ancient scroll that you found in his room full of junk?" Mei added. "And now you're thinking Mr. Tang is gonna use his newfound powers to free our mystic monkey, right?" Sandy said. "And if that amazing plan doesn't work?" Pigsy queried earning an offended "hey" from Tang.

"Don't worry about it guys. I figure this is just another cheeky little adventure." M.k. laughed as if finding the notion of failure ridiculous. "If fighting Lady Bone Demon was a marathon then this is like a-a half marathon. Ideally less. Ya know? Short sprint."
The odd behavior has Mei throwing an arm around her best friend's shoulder for a brief huddle. "You okay, my guy?"

The question alone causes M.K. to sweat profusely, and say, "yep" then scurry off.

"Clearly he's not." Pigsy said. His attention is drawn towards you where he offers his hand. You stare at it for confused. "I know it's not easy for you right now, but you can't forget you need to stay strong in order to get the Monkey King back." You smile softly, and take his hand. It's been a while since you've been on an adventure. You don't miss the danger side of it, but it's the price you're paying to be with both mystic monkeys.

"You're right." You commented. "Thank you."

Both you and Pigsy trail the others into the storage room. The coast is clear. You observe the area where your beloved was abducted. The place holds a new meaning, yet you hope there is a way to pull him out of his prison.

"When we get Monkey King back, we're gonna look back, and laugh. Oh, how we'll laugh." You furrow your brows at M.K.'s nonsensical ramblings. Slowly but surely it seemed as if he was becoming unhinged, bottling up emotions. You would like to use your powers to relieve him, but it would have to be by his choice. So far he's rejected everyone's assistance.

"Whoa! Monkey King's a horder." Mei cringed at the alarming piles of junk lying around.

"Yeah..." you pick up a random trinket then toss it aside in disgust. "...he has issues with letting go of his glory days. Some of these things he cherishes dearly though."

"Even this half eaten peach?" Tang points to the fruit on the floor.

"Ewe! Okay that's just gross."

From across the room you hear Sandy shout, "hey, I think found the scroll?"

M.K. cries out in alarm. It's too late. The scroll unrolls as ink leaks out onto the ground creating puddles. Sandy steps back as ink figures submerge with their glowing eyes followed by negative whispers. You hold yourself as you start to feel cold. Your head throbs sensing their strong emotions.

"Aight, Tangy, you're up." Mei grabs said man tossing him into the fray.

With absurd confidence he says, "give our mystic monkey back or you're gonna learn why they call me Mr. Tang." As if the threat was not enough, he makes hand gestures. Nothing activates. Evidentally, Tang had no practice in his magic enough to actually do anything.

"Any time now!" Pigsy hurried.

"Give it a minute." Tang retorted trying to figure out what went wrong.

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