the first

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When I look back now, the first means nothing to me. He wasn't my first crush, but rather the first boy of bad luck that I fancied shortly after my mishap with Makenzie's mirror.

He was the class clown. I claimed to hate him, sometimes even saying it right to his face, but in actuality, my pulse quickened whenever I would encounter him.

I was in seventh grade, my crush on him was trivial, but it was a crush all the same. So when I saw him travelling into the forest grounds our schools forbade us to enter, I followed.

Up until that point, I had been a good girl, the type to get on other's cases for breaking even the slightest rule. Basically speaking, I was a snob. But there I was, doing an action that would have earned me many demerits. Not to mention I took the trip into the forest with four other boys as company, which earned me the title as slut.

The unlucky part about the first boy was something I had kept up for most of my life: my reputation.

Seven Boys of Bad LuckWhere stories live. Discover now