the third

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I had known the third since I was six. Until the utter heart break he gave me in the end, he was constantly on my mind.

He was my childhood friend. We had gone through ice cream days at church to nasty carpet burns during intense games of tag.

We ruined everything by falling in love with each other. He also ruined any chance of us ever being normal friends again by cheating on me.

My eyes widened as bug as saucers when I saw him hand in hand with a girl skinnier, prettier, and a whole lot nicer than I was.

Unlike most guys would, he didn't panic or beg for forgiveness. Rather, he looked me straight in the eye and said only that we just weren't compatible anymore.

They walked away after that, leaving me to pick up the shattered pieces that used to be my heart.

What number three took from me was nothing romantic at all. He took away my friend.

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