the second

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The second wasn't even one that I loved, but I sure made it look like it. Him existing took my best friend and turned her into something else.

The second was my best friend's boyfriend of a year at the time. Needless to say, she was all over him. Without a second thought she would leave me in the dust just to have a moment with him.

I had done what I did once before but never to the extreme I took it to the second time.

I wanted to make my so called best friend angry for her ignorance. If that meant becoming known as the skank that ruined the 'cute couple', so be it.

My logic was unbelievably terrible.

I flirted, I tried to look pretty, I even made a fake confession, forced tears and everything.

Of course that friend I spoke of left me for good after that. I pretended I didn't care. I told others my thoughts were somewhere along the lines of "good riddance." But I truly felt hollow on the inside.

That's what bad luck boy number two cost me: my best friend.

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