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Harry was sitting in the Gryffindor common room later that night at about nine. Ron walked into the room in his pajamas.

"Harry, what are you doing up?" Ron asked.

"Hmm?" Harry asked, having spaced out and not heard what Ron had asked. "Sorry?" Ron sighed.

"You get in trouble along with Malfoy during potions, you space out in your last three classes, barely eat or speak at dinner and you usually go to sleep at nine, but you're still up!" Ron explained. "What's up with you?!"

"I've got to say, Ron's quite right." A voice came from the shadows of the room. Hermione stepped into the light. She was still wearing her uniform and her hair was still perfect. She looked like she hadn't even thought of going to bed yet. "Something's obviously wrong. And you're obviously going somewhere soon. Ron refuses to sneak out again to follow you, but I most definitely will."

"Seriously, guys, I'm fine." Harry assured them. "I'm just... Not tired."

"You have got to work on your lying." Hermione pointed out.

"I'm serious!" Harry protested. "You two should just go to bed and don't worry about me. I'll go to sleep in a little while." Ron opened his mouth to protest, but Hermione covered it.

"Fine." She said, "But I'll be keeping an eye out." She pulled Ron over to the side. She winked out of Harry's sight and Ron nodded as Hermione started yelling at him loud enough for Harry to hear. He sighed, thinking it was real. He looked down at his watch as Hermione handed Ron a note silently, which he read and nodded. They both separated, Ron heading to the boys' dormitory and Hermione to the girls'. Harry glanced at his watch again. Nine forty-five. He thought. I'll head out soon. Moaning Myrtle's bathroom isn't that far from here. 

A couple minutes later, he got up and grabbed his sweatshirt from the chair, glanced quickly left and right and sighed when he saw someone lurking in the shadows again.

"Hermione. C'mon." Harry said and the figure sighed and stepped forward.

"Harry, I just wanna help you." Hermione pleaded. "I'm worried."

"I'm fine!" Harry argued.

"If you're fine, I'm coming with you." Hermione insisted.

"Hermione..." Harry sighed. "This is private."

"What kind of private?"

"That's not your business!"

"If you're going, I'm going." Hermione said sternly and Harry sighs.

"Sorry." Harry said, quickly picking up his wand. "Petrificus Totalus!"

"Harry-" Hermione said, but it was too late. She fell over on the couch, her arms and legs bound together by magic. 

"I'm really sorry." He said again, then walked out the door. Little did he know that Ron gained the confidence to follow him... 

Hope you're enjoying the story!

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