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Xana's Dream Sequence~

The two sat on Min Ho's bed, past Xana's curfew per usual, with face masks hydrating their skin and cute hair bands holding up their hair. "Min Ho, I don't know where the hell you get these masks, but I feel my pores soaking up diamonds. It's refreshing..." Xana hummed looking down at her timer.

"L.A. of course." Min Ho scoffed as if Xana should've known this already. "My mom always makes sure I pack all the essentials."

"Oh, like your 900 dollar aging serum? That essential? How much even is this?" She asked as she squeezed out the excess product from the package and glancing at the timer.


"I don't know, 50 dollars?"

Xana pauses with a straight face. "I never want to take this off."

There was a moment of silence before a finger gently turned her chin to face the boy. She snorted looking at him, "sorry, you can't really seduce me in a bunny hair band." Almost within a second, he strips off the band and mask, tossing it to the ground. "Woah! Tanga, that's 50 dollars on the ground!"

"I love it when you talk Filipino. It's really... cute." His body inches closer, crawling over to cage her between his arms while slipping off her own mask.

"Are you okay? Does the mask also make you talk weird too, cause it's working perfectly fine." Min Ho only smirks, laying her down on his pillow. "What are you—"

"I want to learn and get to know all of you. Everything." His hands creep up to caress her sides. "I have 7 minutes and I can do a lot in just 7 minutes." His lips... his soft, pink lips... it hovers above her before he—


As she made her way down to the boys' dorm, she was utterly repulsed at even the thought that she had a sex dream about her friend. A friend she has barely even talked to in two days...

While she walked in, Kitty almost sprung up from her spot, pointing at Xana with a flushed face. "Xana! Xana, you believe sex dreams don't mean anything, right?"

"Uhh..." She freezes. Her head tilts to the right, Min Ho, the boy in her dream, stood as still as her with coffee in his hands. "I mean—"

"Never mind. It doesn't matter, dreams don't mean anything." She concludes, handing the coffee from Min Ho to Q and sitting down once again.

"She's right!" Min Ho suddenly bursts out. "They don't mean anything. You can have a sex dream about someone you would never, ever imagine liking at all."

"Yes, yes, exactly. Min Ho could have a sex dream about, like, Xana." The latter gave a sneering look to Kitty. It was like she knew everything the moment she entered the room.

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