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(AN: sorry for the break. I haven't been writing new chapters lately. Everything from here to the ending is planned out but I've been struggling with writer's block/burnout. Thank you for sticking around <3 excited for you to see the conclusion)

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part twenty-three

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Bakugo played the waiting game. He stuck close to the walls, his ears perked to the rustle of boots. Drones were circling high above, their sensors aimed at the trees. Even if the guards were dumbasses, their guard dogs weren't. I wished there was a way I could help. I felt so useless just floating in this transient space. We were a dimension apart, but my precious earrings held us together. I was still fighting for him. I could deny it all I wanted, but I always would.

My partner had a job to do, and I couldn't get in the way – not with what was at stake.

Without too much trouble, he managed to take out one of the men, knocking him unconscious as a parting gift before taking his gear. God forbid the idiot got caught and had to play pretend villain, at least he'd look the part.

As he was dressing, of course his clunky, bulky hero boots had to get caught on his pant straps. The dummy fell face first in the snow, making a distinct crunch. The flying devils hummed. They drew closer.

Bakugo scrambled into the trees for cover, whispering curses and gritting his teeth. With his cover blown, it was back to square one. If only there were some way he could sneak past.

I searched for an answer. Scouting through the surrounding forest, hovering by the hidden entry he needed to reach, I felt fate pinch my arm. A plan came to me, but it had a cost: my partner would have to get a taste of the fear I'd felt on our first day trekking through the mountain.

"You got anything?" he asked me, peeking at the earring in his glove.

It flashed a couple times.

"...Seriously? That's the best you've got? Tch – I'm not facing that thing again!"

But Bakugo didn't really have a choice in the matter. Nature had its own agenda. And apparently a curious bear cub was first on the list.

The blonde idiot froze. Like, maybe if he stood still and shut his mouth, the fuzzy-eared little bear would grow bored and run away like normal wild animals do. Instead, it decided to get closer and closer, into the trees with Bakugo, until he was near enough that he could reach out his hand and give the fella little head pats. It shared a similar curiosity with me. We had both been entranced by the grunt hero.

A Ripple in Time - Bakugo X Reader (Pro Hero AU)Where stories live. Discover now