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✉Author's pov✉
Today Gregory sat alone with only his thoughts. He didn't understand this all. Why does Evan have to hurt and/or kill people? It all made no sense to him. In fact that same question is what he's been asking himself for days. Ever since he found out the truth.

✉Gregory's pov✉


As I was walking around with nothing to do I over heard a conversation between Evan and..someone I don't recognize. "I'm so proud of you!" "I don't need this right now. Especially from you. Why? Oh I can list so many examples. Because you left me and the others to die, If it weren't for your stupid animictronics than none of this would have happened, if you would have just been dead in the first place all of us would have been jumping in joy at the thought of you dead and never coming back." This all sounded so cruel to me. Who is this person that he hates so much? "Well that just sounds so cruel. Why say something like that in front of your own father?"


"Father my ass! You left us all to die! Sometimes I think that you never ever actually cared for us. Your own children. If I were to describe you with only three words I would say a selfish murderer." The man known as his father only laughed. "Well who's the selfish one now? I know what you did. You killed Gregory. Didn't you? Evan."

'He killed me..'

I silently went back to our room. In disbelief. I know Evan's a bit psychotic but to find out something like this! It's just crazy. Evan. Out of all people. Believe it or not I was actually starting to trust and believe that maybe him and I could actually be friends.

End of flashback

✉Author's pov✉
Sometimes he blames himself for all these people dying. Sure he knows about Evan's obsession with him but isn't this all to far? Sometimes he thinks if this extreme obsession didn't exist none of this would happen! At all. Sometimes...he wishes he never met Evan. Sometimes he wishes he just stayed home. Sometimes he wishes that instead of Evan he'd rather be ripped apart limb by limb by an endo or killed by Vanny. Anything but the thought of Evan killing him. It drove him crazy! Sometimes he just the thought of Evan killing him just disgust him. Yet at the same time. He still in somehow some way cared for the boy. He was hurt.

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