Terror (Parado x Emu)

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Synopsis: For as long as he could remember, any time he tried to sleep he would always have a nightmare. The severity seemed to only increase as the years went by, but his stubbornness to not ask for help remained.

Rating: T


It started off small. Sometimes during the night, his heart would race. He would move around. He might even let out a small whimper in his sleep. That was something that anyone who shared a general vicinity with him got used to if he ever slept.

As time went on, it slowly got worse. His sleep wasn't as consistent now. Sometimes he might even wake up during a particularly bad night. Still, it wasn't something he ever wanted to bother anyone about. It was such a stupid thing. There was no need to make anyone deal with this problem.

That was the way Parad continued. While he didn't really need to sleep, he liked to try and do it. He liked the small things like that that would connect him to being more like a human than bugster. Unfortunately his mind had other ideas if he ever tried it.

This had been his reality since the day he was brought into the world away from his host. No longer safe and secure inside of Emu and forced to endure the cruel world around him, it really got to Parad. Not to mention all the tests and experiments that damn Kuroto kept pushing on him since the day he found him as well.

Parad didn't like to admit the statement he had been told many times by all of the doctors he could arguable call his friends. He was traumatized. He refused to believe it despite all the signs that pointed straight to that answer. He was a bugster at the end of the day no matter how he prayed he could become a normal human. A bugster being traumatized? That couldn't be possible.

And yet, nightmares plagued his every dream. Reminding him of the cruel world he had been born into. Reminding him of everything that had happened in his relatively short life. It was never fun, but Parad didn't want to get help. He didn't want to bother anyone.

Unfortunately, he knew as hard as he tried to hide it, Emu knew. They were connected after all. Parad couldn't exactly hide the sudden rush of terror that flowed over him most nights if Emu happened to still be awake, which was more often than not. He also couldn't miss the way the doctor would look at him in the morning, searching him for a sign of distress that he could use to ask if everything was alright with.

Emu wouldn't pry unless he was welcomed to. Parad was grateful for that. The last time Emu kept pushing him to talk about his problems had only made it worse. Made him run away. He had to approach much more cautiously when he wanted to check on his bugster.

Parad knew his issue was causing Emu some distress. He wished that he could stop that without having to finally admit that maybe he did have a problem going on. Parad hated the thought of being vulnerable again. He hated being so open and weak. There was a reason he had learned fast to not show any emotions except ones that were expected of him.

Even though Emu was so nice to him, he hesitated being open like that. Parad couldn't get the courage to finally break out of the mindset he had forced himself in for so many years to keep him safe. He wished he could just be normal and let Emu in. For the love of God, they were dating and had been for a few months now. Why couldn't he even trust Emu despite how much he cared?


"Poppy? Do you have a minute?"

"Hmm? Yeah. What's up, Emu?"

It was late afternoon in the hospital. Emu had just finished up checking on his patients for the time being. He had returned to the CR office and sat in silence for a while before asking that. Kiriya was present in the room as well, though he didn't pay too much mind to the two.

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