You Too Deserve Happiness (Emu x Hiiro x Taiga)

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Synopsis: Just as Emu thought this was going to be the end, Hiiro jumps in front of him to take the blow. Somehow things just keep getting more and more complicated after that as Emu questions why Hiiro would do something so dangerous.

Rating: G


The morning had been peaceful at CR for about an hour. Then they got a call that there was someone showing signs of game disease. Emu and Hiiro both rushed to the scene only to find that the patient had already been turned into the bugster.

The doctors quickly jumped into action, transforming into their level 2 suits and rushing at the bugster. It was a tough battle. The bugster was quite good at dodging their attacks.

"Hyaa!" Emu swung down, landing a blow on its shoulder.

Only for the bugster to retaliate and slash him down the chest with its claws. Emu let out a cry as he was knocked backwards and collapsed to the ground. He was in a lot of pain.

Emu gulped as the bugster rushed at him, intending to end this fight. He was unable to move fast enough.


Right as Emu thought he was going to be killed, a figure stood in front of him. The bugster's attack landed on them instead. Emu stared with wide eyes as he realized just what was happening. Hiiro had jumped in front of him.

Hiiro fell to the ground. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. Emu cried out his name and rushed to catch him. His panic grew as he heard the dreadful sound of Hiiro being close to a game over.

The bugster was still there, and poised to attack once more. Emu had no idea what to do when shots were fired at the bugster. Taiga had joined the battle. He rushed in between them and fended off the bugster.

Emu removed both his and Hiiro's gashats and worriedly examined the older man. He was unconscious to start with. His breathing seemed normal at least.

"Emu! Hiiro!" Poppy rushed over to them, "Hiiro... we need to get him back to CR."

Emu glanced back at where Taiga was fighting. Hiiro needed help but would Taiga be able to hold his own against the bugster?

"Worry about him. Go!" Taiga noticed his gaze.

Emu hesitantly nodded and with Poppy's help got Hiiro up. They awkwardly positioned him onto Emu's back, not knowing how else to do it. Emu took one last glance at Taiga and then followed Poppy back to CR.


Emu was nervously pacing in front of the doors to the exam room. Hiiro was in there. Poppy was checking him out. She had pushed Emu out of the room. He was told he was too anxious to help.

Poppy exited the room and Emu immediately jumped on her with a question, "How is he?"

"His condition is stable. He should be just fine." Poppy replied with a smile.

Emu let out a sigh of relief, leaning back against the wall. With how critical that situation had been he had thought things would be a lot worse.

He heard footsteps suddenly appear and turned to look. Taiga had entered the room. He looked a bit rough, but overall okay.

"Taiga..." Poppy said quietly.

"Bugster got away unfortunately." Taiga stated, "How's Brave doing?"

"Stable. He should be just fine." Poppy replied.

Taiga leaned up beside Emu. Emu glanced over at him for a moment.

"Why did Hiiro-san do that...?" Emu whispered.

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