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Ben is 18 and Erica is 20 in this part (only prologue.)
June 16
0900 hours
Plane to NYC
Ben's pov: It was my birthday. I was turning 18. Erica, my girlfriend was taking me somewhere special, and I wasn't allowed to know.

Mike, my childhood best friend was there, along with Zoe (bff from spy school) Trixie (Erica's sister and Mike's girlfriend) Chip and Jawa (in our friend group from spy school) there was also Erica's parents and grandparents and my parents.

I was seated next to Mike. He was the only one who knew. I was going to propose to Erica. I mean most people would agree that 18 and 20 is kind of early to propose, but we have been dating for almost five years, and we love each other.

Now I was freaking out, because what if she said no? What if Cyrus tries to kill me? What if she says no, breaks up with me, then have Cyrus torture me? I was having a mental breakdown and Mike had to listen to me.

"Hey, come on Ben. Stop with the 'what-if's' you are going to be fine! Just do it!"

"Aghh! I can't! I mean I love her but... what if Cyrus kills me!"

"He won't kill you! Maybe."

"Mikeee you are not helping." I said while rubbing my head "I don't know if I can do this, Mike just... I don't know, do you're thing that you do... you know... the one thing."

"Okay... Ben! You can do this! You have been dating for five years! You guys love each other and all of Erica's family will support you guys if it makes her happy! You. Can. Do. This. Ben. I believe in you."

"Thanks Mike. I knew you could help me bro, thanks." I said while giving him a small smile. "I think I am going to watch a movie now."

"Okay, I will too."

I watched 101 dalmatians. It was Erica's favorite Disney movie after Tangled and Brave.

That was all I could think about. Erica. She seemed to be hiding something from me. But I was hiding something from her, so it might have Just been me.

She grabbed something from her backpack and slid it into her utility belt. She got up and went to the bathroom.

After about 20 minutes I went to go check on her.

I listened because I didn't want to embarrass her.

I heard a slight sniffling. So I knocked on the door.

"Babe, are you okay?"

"Yes, everything is fine, perfectly fine."

"It's not. I can tell by your voice. Can I come in?"


I went in. As soon as I shut the door Erica started crying. She was sitting on the floor, so I sat down next to her.

"What's wrong Erica?"

She just dug her face into my chest. I rubbed her back and kissed her head. We stayed like that for 9.72826 minutes.

"I d-dont know h-how to s-say this."

"I will love you no matter what. Nothing can change that."

"A-are you s-sure?"

"Of course. Nothing can change that. I love you more than words can explain."

"Okay fine. Promise you won't leave me?"

"Erica Hale. If I leave you, and I won't, I give you permission to kill me."

"Okay fine. But you cannot leave me Ben Ripley."

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