Chapter 1

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Almost 15 years later
December 23
Suburbs of Washington DC
605 River Rd
1500 hours

Flynn's pov:
Hi, my name is Flynn Hale. I am related to Nathan Hale from the American Revolution.

Let me tell you about my life. I live in a mansion just outside of Washington DC. I wasn't always like that. I used to live in a apartment in New York. My parents had me and my siblings very young. My parents are 33 and 35 and have four children with two on the way.

I have two sisters and a brother. My older sister is named Cassandra, but we call her Cassie. She is 14. My litte brother and sister are twins named Eve and Ezekiel. We call Ezekiel Eze, so it can be like Eve and Eze. They are both 5.

My parents are named Ben and Erica Hale. My dad changed his last name to my mom's last name, because something about being related to Nathan Hale. They got married when my dad was 19 and my mom was 21. We moved to this mansion when one of my parents friends named Orion found out that we were living in a three bedroom apartment in new York and had four kids. He gave us his vacation house in Washington DC. It was his vacation house, and he came like once in the four years we have been here.

The house is big enough to fit our entire family all the way up to our great grandparents.

Today was good day. Until my parents got kidnapped. We were all decorating for the holidays.

We were all decorating the Christmas tree and listening to holiday music. Then we heard a thump. We all were trained in martial arts, and so naturally we all went into defensive positions, but my parents looked the most on edge. They looked at each other. Cassie and I, seeing them do this we looked at one another and each protected one of the twins. My mom, trying to comfort us, including dad, just said "Maybe something fell, I will go check it." But she also grabbed a gun. That worried all of us more. Dad was trying to protest, saying that she was pregnant. Dad had a good point, but mom still moved out briskly.

We were all silent.

We heard mom walk to the other room. "Everything is fine, one of the books just- MURRAY? JOSHUA? ASHLEY? WARREN?"

Pew! CRASH! Slip!

Dad handed us his phone.

"Cassie, Flynn get the twins upstairs now! Get in our room, lock the door, and look under the candle. Follow the instructions. I have to go save Mom! I love you. All of you. Goodbye."

"DAD! What is going on?" Cassie said worried.


"What? Who?" I asked but he was already gone.

"We have to get to their room and do what dad said, NOW!" Cassie said

"What about aunt Trixie and uncle Mike? And Zoe?" I asked. They were staying with us for the holidays.

"We need to get upstairs."

I grabbed Eve's hand and Cassie grabbed Eze's hand they were both sniffing lightly.

"Hey, Eve it's going to be okay."

"But, Daddy seemed worried." Eve said through tears.

"We need to do what they said. Everything is going to be okay." I said trying to get her to be happier. I didn't know if things were actually going to be okay."

Aunt Trixie, Uncle Mike and Zoe were racing down the stairs.

"What happened?" Zoe said with worry in her eyes.

"I don't know. We heard a noise and mom went to go see what it was. She screamed out four names, Joshua, Warren, Murray and Ashley. Then we heard some weird noises. Dad told us to come upstairs and he gave us his phone. I don't know what is going on."

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