Chapter 2

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Hello... the thing at the top is just the introduction to the librarians, because it is amazing, and fellow Berica shippers, I have been reading spy school reunion, and I don't know how to feel about it. Go read it and see what you think about it... anyway, please enjoy.
Cassie's pov:
Wow. My. Parents. Are. Spies.

I. Might. Become. a. Spy. That explains why mom and dad were training us so weirdly, with guns and emergency supplies. There is some school that we are supposed to go to and give a letter to a lady there!

This is all happening so fast!

Flynn and I decided to tell them in a less frightening manner. Jacob could read, but we could give him a note saying not to tell the little kids.

We were also going to try the statue, because  this SPYDER might come after us.

Flynn looked worried, and he had credible reason to. Our parents just got kidnapped by an evil organization they defeated when they were teenagers and spies!

"Hey, you okay?" I said while putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Great. Amazing. Stupendous." He said sarcastically.

"I can tell you are not. Stop with the sarcasm or I will rip that big brain of yours out with my bare hands" I said half jokingly.

"Are you serious? Great. Just another reason this is the worst. day. ever."

"I won't rip out your brains, I'm not a zombie. I do agree with you about... them. You know what I mean. Sometimes you know my thoughts before I think them."

"I just hope they are okay. I love them, and I am literally 12! You are almost 15, but you can't take care of the twins and I, for a long time legally, and-"

"Okay, I am worried about it too, but you are spiraling. Stop. We. Will. Save. Them."

"Thanks, but what if we can't? We are not trained to be CIA agents! We might die! We can't do this. I want to save them, but we are not cut out for it."

"Okay, I might write a book about our adventure, that we ARE going on, but I can't take anymore 'sappy'. Let's stop. Now."

We went upstairs, and told them.

"We have to save them." Jacob said triumphantly

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Flynn said under his breath

"Okay, we have to try the rabbit-statue thing." Jacob said

"What if it calls the CIA? We could get in major trouble by the government, and even more trouble with SPYDER."

How was any of this real?
Enclosed Time, Location, and Date
Ben's pov:

My head hasn't hurt like this in at least 15 years.

I immediately recognized that I was handcuffed and blindfolded. The first thing I heard was Erica.

Then I heard... my nemesis, MURRAY HILL?


I pretended to still be asleep, so I could listen their conversation.

"So I see you married that nerd, and really young too... hey, you interested in dating around? Specifically Joshua?"

That made my blood boil.


"Shut the fuck up you little bitch. Or I will cut off your head" I recognized the voice as Ashley Sparks.

I had to restrain from punching Ashley and Murray.

I tried to listen to see if anyone else was there.

Erica sobbing, Trixie crying in pain, Mike trying to comfort Trixie, but also in pain. Zoe, trying to stay as quiet as possible while whining in pain, Jawa mumbling, Chip... telling Zoe he loves her? Ummm... great for them? I also herd Catherine moaning in pain, Alexander blubbering, Mary trying to calm everyone down while she was in pain and Cyrus's muffled screaming.

I was clenching my fists so bad they were white.

"Ah, hello Ben, nice to see you in the land of the living, or should I say, half dead... seriously, no one? You guys are half dead... come on, no one? Okay, you are probably wondering why you are here, along, with the spy school gang. Well we are going to do a little reunion. We are going to place a pre-made bet, that if your children succeed at rescuing you, then you get to go... if they die during their mission, then we kill one of you..." Murry read of his notecard, "From McDonald's I like to eat chicken with ice cre- wait no! It's this page, no... where is it? Shit! Who frogot to put the next page in! Uggg! You get the point! You have to watch your children, or grandchildren die one by one, and every last one of you die up until Erica and Ben. Ben, be prepared to see your friends, children and wife, die in front of your eyes."


"Shut up or I will slice your neck. Disgrace another SPYDER agent and, get an unnecessary slit to the neck."

Erica was bawling.

" I-I can't w-watch them d-die."

"I know babe, are you okay?"

"If I die here, at least it will be with my best friend and husband. So physically, no. I love you, and that is all that matters."

"Thanks, but what did they do to you? I can't stand you getting hurt, and you have a bloody scrach across your face."

"Really, Ben I'm fine, I missed that doctor's appointment, and my stomach hurts a lot, but I mean I am trying to feed three humans, and I have only had a liter of cold oatmeal today, and yesterday. I just don't know if we will all make it... if we don't, just know I love you, Ben Ripley."

"Eww, you are gross, shut the fuck up before I throw up." Murray said with a hint of jealousy.

So I kissed Erica, and I think I got the point across.

Then Ashley and Murray grassped their ears.

Joshua Hallal walked in.

Word count:1031 words ( not including this.)

I hope you enjoyed. I am hoping to make more time to update both of my stories soon... so yea I'm gonna go 2 bed now... Goodnight! Or good morning, or afternoon. Idk.


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