Chapter 3

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December 24
1900 hours
Ben and Erica's house
Washington DC
Flynn's pov:
We pulled the statue.

It took us to an underground bunker.

The bunker looked like it had a desperate attempt to make it feel like home. It had metal walls and a concrete ceiling. It looked like NASA's mission control, with less desks and computers. There was all this code on the computers except one.

It had the same message that it had on the note. And sent to my dads phone. And on the LANDLINE. These SPYDER people thought of everything.

In the bunker, there was camping supplies, food for 10 people for 30 days and lots of weapons.

We all set up a indoor campsite. I slept with a gun, a knife and a baseball bat next to me.

We stayed the night.

In the morning we got the camping gear, weapons, food and money. We got in the car and let Cassie drive. She looked enough like mom, that if the police pulled her over, she could say she was mom.

We decided to go to this... science school and rescue our parents.

While Cassie was asking directions to the teacher dorms, we were all admiring the large gothic building

Wow. Pretty cool for a science academy. I might like to go here someday.

Cassie told us to come over, because she found a girl willing to take us to our "great aunt"

We walked over, and from the moment I saw her, I thought she was really beautiful. She had waist lengh, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black crop-top and pale pink leggings. She was really cute, and I caught her looking at me. I had a crush on this girl.

"H-hi. My name is Cat. What's you name?"

"Umm... hi. My name is Flynn."

"Oh. my. god. Stop flirting, and let Cat show us to auntie!"

"I'm not flirting." I said with a blush.

"Umm... okay... let's go... see your aunt..." Cat said while blushing.

We started to walk down a staircase, and I tried to make some small talk with Cat.

"So... um... what's your full name?"

"Catherine Josephine Shacter-Zibbel."

"Oh, Cool! My full name is Flynn Cyrus Hale."

"Wow. Are you really a Hale? What are your parents nam- ahhhhhh!"

She fell, but a caught her waist before she could fall to the ground.

We stayed in that place for a few seconds. She smelled great, like roses and... cherries?

"Uggh, you two just kiss already!" Cassie said

"Ummm... Cassie..."

"Yuck! Flynn is gonna kiss the pretty girl! Look away!" Eze yelled while the girls squealed.

"Anyway... let's just get to your, great aunt?" Cat said blushing.

"Yeahh... before you said something about Hale?"

"Oh yeah! Hale is a super popular name around here! Apparently all of the Hale's have gone to this school, all the way up to Nathan Hale himself! You said your parents are Ben Ripley and Erica Hale? Apparently are parents were friends!"

What. My parents went here?

"They never told us! Who are your parents?"

"Zoe Zibbel and Chip Schacter.

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