Chapter-26 Deserved Better

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"Everything." Their both eyes meet. The black orbs staring at her with an urge to read the secrets of her heart.


"L-lets just have our dinner first." Y/n said. The girl is hesitant to talk. How can she share or talk freely when they had never interacted properly?

This is not easy to do.

Jungkook didn't show any objection. Understanding the situation and their condition he nodded.

They both were silently eating their dinner while snatching few glances of each other.

None of them have any idea what to say to kill this awkwardness surrounding them.

Until y/n decided to speak.
"What did you feel seeing her after so long?"

"Nothing." Jungkook instantly answered. He seems to have no interest in talking about his past lover. The dinner is for both of them then why y/n is bringing her in between?

"Why? You didn't even talked to her properly. You both are meeting after so long." Y/n slowly said twirling few noodles on fork.

"Because I didn't want to." Jungkook coldly replied. He is getting frustrated now.

"But you always want...."
"Can we just not talk about her? You are irritating me now y/n." Jungkook gaze at her with warning as his voice was harsh.

"T-then why did you decided to eat with me if I am that irritating?" Seriously,this woman is testing his patience now.

Since when did she starts to talk this much?

"You should have invited mia after all she is the one who..."

"FOR GOD'S SAKE SHUT THE FUCK UP Y/N." At last jungkook bursted. Y/n flinched when he banged his hand on the glass table. Luckily,it didn't broke.

Still she doesn't show any reaction and continue to look down on her plate.

Jungkook frustratedly pushed his hair back and again look at her.

" I don't know what rubbish you are talking about and why the hell are you bringing mia in between us?" She snapped her head into his direction at this question and stood up from her seat before standing in front of him.

"Its not rubbish jungkook,it's the reality of our relationship." Jungkook grew confused at this.

"I don't understand what are you saying y/n."

"And I am unable to understand you jungkook. What are you trying to do?"

"What you mean?" Y/n dryly chuckled

"Don't act dumb jungkook. You exactly knows what I am talking about."

"Stop playing with words y/n and come to the point." Jungkook stated strictly as he is getting frustrated because of the drama that suddenly started in between them and the way his wife is behaving.

"There is nothing difficult with my words to understand. I am talking about you jungkook."

"Is there something wrong with me?"
(A/n:- I don't know why am I  laughing?)

"Everything is wrong. You and your's just... different. So different from before. You w-were never like this. This jungkook is too different from the jungkook I used to know." Y/n answered feeling mixed emotions.

"How am I different now?" For some reasons he wasn't sounding angry in fact his tone was low,soft yet filled with desperation. Like he wants to know more.

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