Two: Are You Ok?

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"Hey Amane-kun"

     Amane smiled and tackled Yashiro into a hug which made her a bit flustered.

"Hehe, sorry I just missed you," Amane said nervously.

"O-Oh, o-okay. We just met yesterday though Amane-kun," Yashiro replied.

     Amane let go and grinned. This made Yashiro worried and curious about what he would say next.

"I couldn't stop thinking about your cute little daikon le-" Amane was cut off by Yashiro headbutting him. 

"SHUT UP!!" Yashiro yelled as Amane hit the floor.

"Ow, Yashiro-san..." Amane said rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry," Yashiro panicked.

"That was great!" Amane cheered giving a thumbs-up. Yashiro just stared at her weird friend. She laughed and Amane laughed along. Then they both walked to school together.

°•°•° After class •°•°•

"Hey, Yugi-san," one of the girls from yesterday called.

Amane groaned. "What?"

"Wanna come with us for lunch today since yesterday you couldn't?" she asked.

"You can go today Amane-kun, I can just hang out with Aoi-chan," Yashiro said.

"Perfect! Let's go," the girl said as she pulled Amane.

°•°•° About 30 minutes later •°•°•

     Yashiro kept running. Just leave me alone. Some girls were chasing her and gave up when Yashiro turned into a hallway. Yashiro then went into a classroom, slammed, and locked the door. Tears started coming her face and she didn't try to hold them back. 

"Why can't you just let me live my life? Just leave me alone!" She sobbed to herself.

     Then Yashiro heard other tears and a gasp. Not from her though. Yashiro saw eyes peaking out from a curtain. She went to go see. When she pulled the curtain her eyes widened.

"A-Amane-kun?" Yashiro said. Amane just stared at her and turned red of embarrassment as he tried to wipe his tears.

"Amane-kun, were you crying?" Yashiro said as she lifted one of his bruised arms.

Amane blushed at her touch and replied, "N-No, b-b-but why did you run in here a-and slam the door?"

Yashiro's eyes grew big. "I-I, that doesn't matter. What matters is that we get you fixed up. Your bandages are falling off Amane-kun."

     Why does she have to be so kind? Amane thought which made him blush a little more. Yashiro pulled his arm and lead them out the door. Yashiro was focused on getting to the infirmary, but then she heard a small whimper. Yashiro looked back and Amane had some tears forming in his eyes. He whimpered again.

"A-Amane-kun, I'm so sorry. I-I was just trying to help. I didn't mean to hurt you," Yashiro said panicking and removing her arm.

Amane chuckled. "It's okay Yashiro-san. This happened because of my decision anyways. I know you would never harm me intentionally."

     Yashiro was confused about what he meant by "his decision" but they were at the infirmary already, so she didn't bother to ask until after. The nurse gave Yashiro some fresh new bandages and explained she had to go home due to an emergency. The nurse rushed out, leaving Yashiro to tend to Amane's injuries. 

"C'mon Amane-kun, I know a place where we can fix you up, but you have to promise not to tell a single soul," Yashiro said tugging his sleeve.

"Okay, I promise," Amane replied as he followed her.

     Yashiro lead Amane into an old school building that no one used anymore. Amane was surprised that she would sneak into places like this, but he ignored the thought.

"Hey, Yashiro~" Amane hummed while Yashiro cleaned up his arms. He only got a hum from her as she was too focused on his injuries. "Why do you come to this ol' place instead of a garden or something girlish?"

"Well, I'm more into paranormal stuff instead of some garden. However, I do think they're pretty. Now tell me who hurt you this badly," Yashiro said focused on wrapping his arm.

"Oh, just those girls from earlier. They wanted me to be some popular kid, but when I told them no to hang out with you instead they decided to bully me," Amane said like it was nothing.

"WHAT?! O-Oh no, I'm so sorry Amane-kun. I got you bullied because of my problems . I-I-" Yashiro's panicking was cut off by Amane.

"You like to panic a lot huh?" He laughed. This made Yashiro go red. Amane cupped her face and said, " None of it was your fault. It was my decision and I have no regrets. Relax, okay Yashiro-san?"

     Yashiro was speechless. Amane laughed and playfully pecked a kiss on her cheek. Yashiro was sure her face was the deepest shade of red possible for her body to still be alive. No one ever touched her like this. Amane let go of her cheeks and pulled out a hand for Yashiro to take. Yashiro hesitantly took it and they both got up.

"H-Hey, Amane-kun," Yashiro stuttered as her face was still slightly pink.

"Yeah?" Amane replied.

"You mean a lot to me, so don't say that you're fine when you're injured again. Kay'?" She said.

Amane started to tear up a little. He pulled Yashiro into a hug and said, "You mean a lot to me too. Oh and did you lose something?"

Yashiro looked around her and saw she was missing her broach. "A-Ah, where did it go?" Amane held the broach in his hand grinning. "Amane-kun, how did you get that?"

"Oh, I just distracted you with that little kiss and it was easy to take off," Amane said still grinning.

"Amane-kun, give it back. Please," Yashiro pleaded. She was a bit disappointed that it wasn't a genuine kiss, but instantly brushed off the thought because they only just met yesterday.

"You gotta catch it first little daikon~" He replied.

"I'M NOT A DAIKON AMANE-KUN!!!" Yashiro shouted.

     Yashiro chased Amane around for her broach that was now in Amane's hair. Amane laughed as he ran around to where she couldn't grab the skeleton shaped broach. 

"I got the cute little radish's broach~" Amane sang as a ran.

"Amane-kun~" The furious Yashiro groaned.

     Yashiro finally caught up to Amane and tackled him to the ground. Yashiro pinned Amane to the floor and stared at the flustered Amane Yugi. His cheeks grew to a light shade of pink. Yashiro's eyes grew wider and snatched the broach from his hair. "You are such a child, Amane-kun," Yashiro said with light blush as she instantly got up. Amane got up too and dusted himself off. "But, I am sorry for tackling you," Yashiro added. Amane hugged his friend and apologized although he wasn't sorry and enjoyed the little game of theirs.

"We should probably get going now Yashiro-san. I would love to stay longer, but we have to keep up with academics," Amane joked. Yashiro laughed along with Amane and they went back to their designated classes.

"Don't listen to anything those dumb bullies say Yashiro. They're not worth it," Amane encouraged.

"They follow me everywhere, I'm outnumbered," Yashiro replied.

"I promise I'll be there for you when I can then. Better to have one person by your side then none right?" Amane said. Yashiro smiled and hugged Amane one last time before leaving.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks," Yashiro said.


     That's all for now. You can check my profile for updates and feel free to talk to me. Thanks for reading

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