Three: Oh Brother...

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°•°•° The Yugi House •°•°•

"AMANE AMANE!!" Amane's excited twin yelled.

"Hey Tsu Tsu, feeling better?" Amane asked.

"Yeah, I can finally meet that girlfriend of yours!" Tsukasa replied. 

Amane got flustered at the sound of "girlfriend" and his face turned a deep shade of red. "T-Tsukasa! What the heck! I told you that she's not my g-girlfriend!" Amane stuttered.

"Well, she is all you ever talk about, so~" Tsukasa said.

     Amane punched him in the shoulder playfully and they both walked to school. Tsukasa was trailing behind and had his eyes behind his head looking around. Tsukasa then stopped in his tracks and removed his hands from his head. Amane looked back only too see Tsukasa for a split second and Tsukasa ran toward somone. "TSUKASA!" Amane yelled as he ran after him.

Yashiro POV:

"Yashiro-san!~" A boy with black choppy hair yelled running toward me.

"Amane-kun!" I replied smiling. He looked confused for a second, but grinned and cupped my face. I blushed and he came closer to my face. "A-Amane-kun. W-W-What are y-you doing?" Just then a boy who looked similar to the boy holding my face came running out of breath.

"" The boy said gasping.

"Oh, is this that twin brother you were talking about Amane-kun?" I said removing his hands from my face.

"Yes" They both said at the same time.

"Tsukasa, I think that was directed towards me," The boy who came running earlier said.

"What are you talking about? I'm Amane!" The other said defensively.

This made me confused. 'They look exactly the same' "Uhm excuse me?" I said shyly as I interrupted their argument. They both looked at me wide eyed. "Which one of you is Amane-kun, please tell me the truth."

One of them started laughing. 'He has fangs! Really sharp fangs! Amane-kun doesn't have fangs' I thought as the laughing one opened his mouth wide sighing. "Tsukasa did you tell her you were me?" Amane asked.

"Maybe, maybe not," The fanged boy said innocently. Then he walked up to me. "Pleasure to meet you Yashiro-san," He said planting a gentle kiss to my hand.

"And who are you?" I asked as a sweat dropped to my cheeks.

"I'm Amane's younger twin brother, Tsukasa!" He said putting his fingers to his cheeks.

"I'm Amane's younger twin brother, Tsukasa!" He said putting his fingers to his cheeks

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"Nice to meet you Yug-uh...hmmm," I thought about my word choice. 'If I call him Yugi-kun, wouldn't that be the same as calling Amane-kun too?'

My thoughts were cut of by Tsukasa. "You can just call me Tsukasa, no worries!" He said.

"Ok, Tsukasa-kun," I smiled softly.

"No need for any honorifics. Tsukasa by itself is perfectly fine Yashiro-san!" Tsukasa corrected.

"Ok, but if I call you Tsukasa by itself it would be unfair to not let you call me by my first name too. So, you can call me Nene!" I replied with a giggle.

Tsukasa's eyes grew wide. "Amane! Amane! I got all the special treatment and I only just met Nene-chan~!" Tsukasa teased.

Amane groaned. "L-Let's just go to school," He sounded annoyed.

°•°•° At school (Back to 3rd person POV) •°•°•

     Yashiro tapped Amane's shoulder. He looked up at her and hummed. "You have been acting weird ever since we walked in. You okay?" Yashiro asked. Amane replied with a nod and Yashiro looked to Tsukasa. "Are you mad at your brother?" 

"I-It's not like that! I j-just-" Amane stuttered and looked to his shoes.

Yashiro then realized what she had done this morning at the crosswalk. "Oh are you jealous that I gave your brother treatment that you didn't get when we met? I'm so sorry Amane-kun, I was just trying to be nice," Yashiro panicked. Amane chuckled with a small hint of pink on his face. "You can call me Nene too if you want!" Yashiro smiled.

"Ok, Nene-chan~" Amane teased her.

"Don't abuse it," Yashiro replied rather coldly.

"Ouch, my heart. Who knew you could be so cold," Amane said overacting.

     They both laughed and little did they know that Tsukasa was smirking from the side. Then a purple haired girl, and three others came up to them.

"Nene-chan!~" The purplenette yelled hugging Yashiro.

"Aoi!" Yashiro hugged back.

"Who are these twins you're walking with Nene-chan?" Aoi asked pointing to the Yugi twins.

"Don't worry Aoi, if they're bad I will protect you," A ginger haired boy who looked lovesick with Aoi said passionately.

The Yugi twins stared at him. Tsukasa walked up to the ginger haired boy and flicked his forehead. "You've got it bad don't cha?" He grinned.

Aoi sighed and Yashiro giggled. "You have no idea Tsukasa" everyone laughed.

"I'm Tsukasa!" Tsukasa said.

"And I'm Amane," Amane added.

"And together we make... the Yugi twins!" Tsukasa finished. Amane smacked his forehead.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Aoi Akane, the one with glasses is Akane Aoi, the pink haired one is Mistuba Sousuke, and the ginger-blondish one is Kou Minamoto," Aoi said still laughing at the ending comment from Tsukasa.


"Oh, well we should hang out at lunch ok? All of us!" Yashiro said. 

"Sure thing Senpai!" Kou said giving a thumbs-up and dragging Mistuba to the middle school division.


"Uhm...let's just go to class and we'll see if they calmed down later," Akane sweat dropped.

"Agreed," They all said together. And with that, classes began.

     Aoi and Yashiro were talking and Akane was talking with some Lemon kid who was more interested in his phone. Tsukasa decided to walk up to Amane's seat. "Hey Amane!?" He asked. Amane just hummed in response. "Are we gonna eat lunch with everyone or is it just gonna be us?"

"It'll be with everyone of course. Don't you wanna make friends with them?" Amane asked.

"Yeah, but you wanna be friends with Nene-chan more~" Tsukasa snickered.

"Shut up! That's not even right grammar!" Amane mumbled and looked out the window with his face slightly pink.

"WHA?!" A shout was heard from across the room. It sounded like a girl. Everyone stared at the source, even Amane. It was the daikon-legged girl who had her hand over her mouth with a flustered face. "I-I...erm..s-s-sorry. P-Please ignore m-me," She announced still red. Amane silently chuckled at her disruption. 

"Alright class. That's enough. Back to your seats and let's begin our lesson," The sensei said annoyed.


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