Chapter 9

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Justin's POV

I shut the door slumping on the couch tired from the plane ride. My front door opened with Fredo who sat across from me. "Well?" he impatiently prompted. "We're getting married Tuesday." I smugly replied. "Then we gotta get the bachelor party in order."

"Definitely, gotta cash some singles."

Fredo laughed shaking his head and lifted his legs onto the table. "So, what happened?"

"We came here and had lunch. We started talking, she told me about her family, some weird stuff bro. She invited me over to her friend's house for a BBQ tomorrow, and then..."

"I like where this is going, continue."

"And then, I kinda leaned forward-"


"And curled strands of her hair around my finger, then I picked up one of her bandaged hands and softly caressed it as I told her I hope she gets better."

Fredo spread his arms out, nodding over the information. Now that I think about it, I didn't get much done in the time we had. Then again, I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to do, yet. "Pretty thick don't you think Justin?" he asked. "I don't think she's even picking up on it." I sighed, spreading myself out like him.

"Maybe she likes it."

"And she likes it because?"

"Because she likes you,"

"But that boyfriend of hers," I whined. "Won't stop those feelings." he knowingly shook his head. "If she has any,"

Fredo raised his eyebrows at me. "What?" I asked. "It seems to me like you're a little insecure about this,"

"I don't want to be responsible for her breaking up with her boyfriend."

"... Then don't be, I will." 

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, "Fredo?"

"Oh, don't worry, I got this."

"Should, I be worried?"

"Not you, Nick."

Hmm, I think I might like this. When he left I climbed the stairs to my room to change and unpack. My suitcase was sitting on the bed where I tossed my shirt. Suddenly a smell hit my senses. I picked up my shirt again lightly pressing it to my nose. It smelled, feminine. Like, Alyssa. When I hugged her, her perfume clung to me. Guess I won't be washing that shirt soon. What? Who said that? That's creepy. I'm not creepy, nope, better go wash this now.

Alyssa's POV

My mom was out for the evening with Miranda, and Chris was out with friends so it was just Matthew and me for the night. I microwaved three bags of popcorn, we love popcorn, and poured them all into one big bowl. Matthew had set up a large selection of movies for us to watch. He wanted to wait for my mom; he can't bear to sleep alone. He's a killer, but still a baby. I sat down next to him as he pressed play on the movie. Kill Bill, one of my favorite movies because we were almost like them, except without all the revenge and betrayal. But we were all trained fighters and just as dangerous. "How have you been?" Matthew asked, glancing towards me. It'd been about 2 months since we had last seen each other. "I've been pretty good, how about you?" I replied, nestling into the couch with the bowl. "Good too, your mom told me about your new friend." I looked at him smiling sheepishly. I see where this is going. 

Justin's hug flashed in my memory, making me smile slightly. "Oh yeah?" I replied. He smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

"What did she say about him?"

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