Chapter 10

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Kiba  stared at Florin with her mouth wide open.They were at the field as usual. This time there were some other kids who paid no attention to them as usual.  Florin had related the tale of the previous night to her and ro say he found her reaction comical was an understatement. He almost fell on the floor with laughter. Her mouth had been wide open for ten minutes.
"Well?" he said when she managed to get herself.
"I'm still trying to piece the whole thing together, " Kiba said. "The spirit that has been haunting you this whole time is your mother?"
"I wouldn't say haunting." Florin picked out a leaf from his hair. "More like she has been trying to reach out to me."
"Florin,are you really sure about this?"
"At first I wanted to doubt her," Florin replied. "But there was just something about her that made me feel she was right. I don't know if it was some kind of connection."
"Psychological,I guess," Kiba said.
"Probably." Florin shrugged. "But then when I discreetly asked about her identity from my folks this morning, they kind of freaked out. My mum...I mean Samantha had that look of guilt and shock. I don't think I needed another clue."
"And I thought I would never get to see anything interesting in this neighborhood." Kiba shook her head. "To think you've been living with a murderer for ten years."
Florin went silent.
"And your dad," Kiba added. "Why didn't he tell you this whole time who your true mother is."
"I don't get it either." A frown appeared on Florin's face. "It's so annoying. Maybe it's because he got used to her playing the perfect mum in his presence or maybe...I just.. I just don't know."
Kiba stared at him. The frown had left his face and was replaced with a mixture of pain and fatigue. She could understand what he was going through.
"Hey." She placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're gonna be okay. At least now you know the truth and you know you're safe."
He smiled for a second and then became stoic.
"True," he said. "Samantha, however."
He stared at her and she read the meaning in his eyes.
"Florin," she said. "What are you up to?"
"I'm  not up to anything." Florin shook his head. "It's not me she should be worried about."
Those were his last words to her for the main time. He stood up and slowly made his way to the house. Kiba stared at his retreating back in worry.

That evening at the Meyer household saw the family gathered around the table for dinner. The akward event of the morning was put behind them and everyone was in a brighter mood. That was until Samantha had brought their dinner. Spaghetti with meatloaf, and a large covered brass bowl which contained what was supposed to be dinner. Joshua and Florin stared at the bowl, each silently praying that what was in the bowl would be better than their current terror which was dinner.
Silence passed between the trio as they ate their dinner. Joshua and Florin discussed about plans for school and work. Samantha  only half listened, concentrating more on her dinner. After a herculean task of finishing dinner, Joshua dropped his fork.
"Men, I'm stuffed," he said, leaning back into his seat.
Florin stared at his half eaten dinner, wishing he could switch places with his father.
"Oh, you better not be,dear," Samantha said. "Because there's still room for desert."
The lights flickered above at that moment. She reached for the brass bowl and raised the lid. A cry of terror escaped her lips as she dropped the lid and jumped back. Inside the bowl was Matilda's dismembered bloody head staring at her with wide blank eyes and a grin.
"Hello,Samantha." Her voice was hoarse. "It's  been a while."
"Joshua!" Samantha leaped behind her husband,pointing at the bowl. "What's that?"
"Samantha, would you get a hold of yourself!" Joshua shrugged her off, perplexed at her sudden behaviour.
"That's a watermelon." He pointed at the bowl. "You know, the one you made as 'dessert.' "
"But I saw-" Samantha glanced at the bowl and sure enough, there was the large perfectly sliced watermelon.
"But-" She turned to Joshua who had his eyebrows raised.
"You must have been stressed from the cooking." He rolled his eyes and plucked out a slice of watermelon, before standing up and leaving the kitchen.
Samantha's heartbeat tripled. Her eyes darted from the bowl to Florin. He shrugged at her from his half eating meal, doing his possible best to hide the smile on his face.
A few hours later, the family were getting ready for bed. Florin had retired to his room for an early nap. Joshua lay in bed, reading an article on his phone while, Samantha busied herself in the bathroom. She had dressed in her nightgown and was brushing her teeth by the bathroom sink. Her shaky hand movements were an effect of the terrible incident of earlier.
"It wasn't real," she whispered. "It's all in my head. I must have been imagining things."
She spat out the foamy paste in the sink and  bent down to rinse her mouth. Raising her head to stare at the mirror, she met her reflection gone. Her eyes widened  and she shook in horror at the being that stared back her. The demonic and monstrous form of Matilda stared back at her with an evil grin.
"J..Joshua." Samantha trembled as the words came out of her lips.
Matilda stretched out her black rotten hand out of the mirror and nearly grabbed Samantha, who ducked just in time.
"Joshua!" She cried as she dashed out of the bathroom.
She returned seconds later with a clearly agitated husband in her grip.
"What the hell is it this time now?" Joshua asked. "A mouse?"
"No." Her hands shook as she pointed to the mirror. "I saw-"
She was stunned. There was no one there except their reflections. As it was meant to be.
Fuming, Joshua faced her with his arms folded.
"Samantha, I don't know what has gotten into you today," he said. "First, it was at dinner. Now this. I thought you might have been tired then, but this is just ridiculous. Do you need therapy?"
"No!"she exclaimed. "I saw something."
"You mean your reflection?" Joshua stared at the mirror. "That must have been one scary sight."
"Are you saying I'm unpleasant to look at?" She faced him angrily.
"I don't know, you tell me." He stormed out of the room.
Samantha took one last glance at the mirror. Her disoriented and frightened state stared back at her. She took a deep breath and made her way out, switching off the light.
As soon as the door shut, the light came on, flickered and then went back off. Then a small, eerie laughter rang out in the dark.

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