Chapter 1: Preface

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Hey, so I started this already.
*Looks at other fics*
Haha, shame on me.

Personally, I think I'll update this more than the other stories, because I have a vague idea of how I want this to go. Plus, I can play the game as I progress, which I can't do for the other stories.

I will be changing some stuff up though, because I think it's cool, so... sorry?


"Can you tell me the story about the Zorua and the Pangoro again, Mommy?" A blonde haired girl asked, almost jumping under the bed sheets. "Pretty please, please, please!"

Nearby, an almost transparent girl with no discernible features was sitting on the bed, listening in. "Come on, if you want to hear the story, you have to let your mom read!" She giggled.

"Haha. All right, I will." A lovely blonde haired woman, the blond haired girl's mother, agreed, chuckling. She ignored what the transparent girl said, and dragged a chair right next to the bed, starting the story. "There once was a lonely Zorua living deep in the darkest forests. He was a mischievous one. Transforming into other Pokémon and beings that lived around. He would often use this ability to trick others into handing over food, or using their homes to sleep in. Because of this, he didn't have many friends. I'm sure you can piece together why?"

"Uh huh! Because they didn't like to give free things to others!" The transparent girl quipped. The blonde haired girl snickered lightly, sounding like she was laughing from the story.

The blonde haired woman smiled, and then continued. "But one day this changed when Zorua met a powerful Pokémon called "Pangoro". They were fighting over a rare and coveted golden apple. Many hours later their fight came to an end and no victor was revealed. They knew they were evenly matched. One could not take out the other. With both staring at each other intensely, they knew that they were destined for friendship. The two became quick companions."

"Just like us!" The transparent girl chirped, hugging the blonde haired girl.

"Yeah!" The blonde haired girl agreed, seeming like she was cheering for the two Pokémon.

The blonde haired woman didn't seem to mind the interruption. "They were two peas in a pod, if you will. They travelled the world together. Overcame hardships. Went on thrilling adventures... Life was good for the two of them...

"But?" The transparent girl asked, wiggling lightly in excitement. "There's gonna be a but, right?"

"Until one day Zorua went too far. Zorua planned a devious prank on Pangoro. "I shall transform into Pangoro's fallen mother. That would surely give him a spook!", Zorua said. "It'll be my best prank yet!"" The mother exclaimed, changing her voice to show that Zorua was speaking.

The transparent girl winced. "Oh, Pangoro's not gonna react well to that... Well, I promise I'm not gonna do that to you!"

The blonde haired girl giggled, but shushed her.

The woman read on, not noticing her daughter's motion. "So while Pangoro left to find food, Zorua put his malicious plan into action. When Pangoro returned home he was greeted with the sight of his dead mother. Paralyzed with a mixture of extreme emotions, Pangoro dropped his collection of food onto the ground. In that collection of food was..."

"A golden apple!" The blonde haired girl shouted excitedly.

"Wow, how did Pangoro find another one?" The transparent girl gasped.

The blonde haired woman laughed. "Haha, yes. That's right. A golden apple. When Zorua saw this, he transformed back into his normal state, looked down at the food and said... "Hey! Where did you find this golden apple? It looks fresh and incredibly delicious!" Zorua raised his head to see a face filled with fury, sadness, but most importantly, disappointment. Zorua quickly realized that he hurt Pangoro very deeply and tried to apologize. But Pangoro wouldn't hear any of it and immediately ran into the forest. Shaken and worried, Zorua ran after him, but Pangoro was nowhere to be found. Zorua realized that he repelled his only friend with his selfishness. And Zorua became lonely once more."

"That's kind of a sad story." The transparent girl sighed. "But it was cool to hear! Just like you said!"

"This is the best book ever!" The blond haired girl said, in lieu of confirmation.

The blond haired woman smiled fondly at her daughter, smoothening down her hair. "Sleep tight."




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