Chapter 1 - Genesis

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Simple italics are Lilith and Bella talking telepathically
'(Plus italic) is Bella speaking out loud telepathically'


"Hello? Next please!" The clerk called out.

Lilith looked up, startled. She had gotten spaced out, thinking about the dream she had that night. No matter what she did, she just couldn't remember what it was about. Luckily, she was the last person in line, so there wasn't anybody behind her waiting. "..." She hurriedly moved forward to the PC, giving the clerk a glance that conveyed her apology.

"'Scuse me? Can you hear me through that thing?" A pretty, black and brown haired woman with red highlights called out. She adjusted the camera so it wouldn't face the ceiling. "Ah... that's better! Hello, it's nice to meet you! My name is Amanda. I'm what you could call a scout." Lilith silently raised an eyebrow. "For what? The Aevium League of course! It's my job to guide newcomers like you into the Aevium League. First, we should talk about the expectations and requirements of the League. There are 18 Gym Leaders for you to defeat -- Alongside the Elite Eight. You heard that right, eight! Pokémon here act a little differently from other regions. They won't obey you if they don't deem you worthy. You can check your status as a trainer by taking a look at your Trainer Card. Everything's listed there for you." Lilith let out a small sound of understanding as Amanda continued. "Right, speaking of which, we should probably set that up now. Wait a second, let me look for you profile..." Amanda fumbled through the mess that was her desk. A picture of herself caught Lilith's eye. Pink hair, one pink eye, one swirling red and purple eye. She wordlessly pointed it out to Amanda. "Oh! There it is! So! Just to make sure, your name is Lilith and you identify as female? I can tell that the picture is definitely you, but the other info is correct, right?" Lilith nodded slightly. "Then... Right, everything seems settled! I'll see you once you get to East Gearen City then! I'll be waiting for you at the East Gearen Laboratory. Don't forget!" Amanda waved at Lilith, and she waved back. "Safe travels, Lilith."

The toot of the boat signified the end of the call. As Lilith started walking away, the clerk stopped her.

"Ah, you finished your registration process? In that case, let me print out your Trainer Card for you." The clerk typed a few things up. "There! All done and ready for you. Please, take this." She handed over a newly printed Trainer Card. "With this you are officially registered. Good luck to you, Lilith!" Lilith nodded her thanks. She left with a slight bounce in her step, knowing what was she was about to do.

"Oh, Lilith!" Lilith heard a sound that put a smile to her face. She faced her mom, a pink haired, pink eyed woman named Nancy. "I was just on my way to see how things were going. Lilith, is that your Trainer Card? How lovely. That means you're officially ready to go!" She took Lilith's hand into her own. "Aevium is a beautiful region with lots to do and see. Once we disembark at Oceana Pier, we're off to Akuwa Town. It's a colder, but cozy place to spend our days, you'll see!" Lilith nodded, seeming somewhat excited. Her mom frowned though. "Dear, are you doing okay? You've been so quiet since last night..."

Lilith let out a small smile. "... I'm fine... Mom." She reassured her mom, words coming out slowly and carefully.

Her mom grinned, though she seemed somewhat surprised. "I'm glad to hear it! I know moving is hard, but this is for the best, I promise." Lilith dipped her head, showing that there was no hard feelings. "Anyway, we should be docking at Oceana Pier later tonight. In the meantime, why don't you go speak with the Captain? I know that your... event won't take too long, and he's a long time friend of mine."

Lilith hummed, restraining a grin at the mention of the event. "Where... are you going?"

Her mom definitely looked surprised this time. "I... I have to be somewhere right now. Please take care, Lilith. I love you." She walked down the stairs, glancing one last time at her daughter with an indescribably gaze before continuing.

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