chapter three

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"So the spell to defeat a boggart is ridikulus." Harry said. The seventh years formed a line in front of the chest. Harry opened the chest, and it formed a dementor. "Like this." Harry said and casted the spell it became Dudley in a black hoodie. "I scared you." The boggart laughed. Harry chuckled. He became better friends after the war with Dudley. "Next." Harry said. Draco stood in front of the line. "Try it." Harry said. The boggart transformed into him. "you're a criminal. You deserve to die. You deserve to be in Azkaban." The boggart grabbed a want. "Sectum sempra." It said. Harry passed his wand to Draco and Draco casted the spell and it turned into Harry who casted a tickle spell. Harry smiled. Person after person came. After the period was done the whole group left except for Draco. "Is there something you want to tell me?" Harry asked. "Do you think you can ask Evan how he feels about me?" Draco asked. Harry smiled. "Sure. Do you want me to ask something else?" Harry asked. "No, thank you. I'm happy that you're doing that." Draco said. Harry smiled. "About your boggart." Harry said. Draco nodded. "don't be afraid of that. I will never tell that, and I will never do that again." Harry said. Draco smiled. "I'm still sorry that I did that in sixth year." Harry said. "it's fine. We just had a fight. Like every enemy has." Draco said. "we're friends now, right?" Harry asked. "Well, professor Potter I think that we can be friends, even though being friends with your teacher isn't cool." Draco answered. Harry chuckled. "I think it is super cool being friends with the chosen one." Harry said. "Second thoughts." Draco said. Harry smiled. "See you later." Draco left the classroom.

"Hey Bryan. What brings you here?" Harry asked. "I can't find Evan." He answered. "Did you search in the library?" Harry asked. Bryan nodded. "Okay, come in I was making dinner." Harry said. Bryan stepped inside. "I saw him the last time with the blonde guy from the library, in the living room making out." Bryan said. "Oh? Are you sure he isn't in his bedroom?" Harry asked. "Well, that guy had a wooden stick in his pocket. I think he is a cost player." Bryan said. "That wasn't an answer." Harry said. "I didn't hear anything." He said. "Sure you didn't hear anything, go to the kitchen and pick up the plate on the counter I'll be right back." Harry said and walked towards Evan his house. He walked towards Evan his bedroom. Harry opened the door and saw his student and his ex-boyfriend on the bed sleeping. "Draco! Where did you get that?" Harry asked. Draco opened his eyes and startled from Harry. "Is it mine?" Harry asked. "Yes, I'm sorry." Draco said, Draco handed the wand back. Evan was still sleeping. "You bring yourself in so much trouble. Do you even want your wand back?" Harry asked. "I asked the headmistress if I could sleep with you to practice some spells." Draco answered. "Come with me." Harry said. Draco followed him. "I'm sorry." Draco said. "it's fine Draco. I'm happy to see you having some fun." Harry said. Draco smiled. They walked inside and Harry handed Draco a plate. "Why do you cook for so much people?" Draco asked. "Sometimes after I'm done with school, I don't have enough time to cook." Harry answered. Draco nodded and sat on the table. "Are you the guy from the library?" Bryan asked. "Yes, I am." Draco answered. Harry chuckled. "Stop laughing." Draco said. Harry grinned. "Come on Bryan, time for bed." Harry said. Bryan walked upstairs. Harry sat across from Draco. "I'm jealous." Harry said. "Why?" Draco asked. "I wanted a big brother too. To take care for me." Harry said. Draco smiled. We sit down on the couch. Draco and Harry talked for hours after falling asleep.

Draco woke up with Harry inhaling his scent. He enjoyed the scent of his former enemy. Draco saw Bryan leaving the house. Draco felt Harry wrap his arms around him. Draco didn't mind. He looked around and saw loads of pictures. From young people he didn't know. His friends. Draco smiled. Draco decided to wake Harry up. It was late in the morning. "Do you want breakfast?" Harry asked. Draco nodded. He walked towards the kitchen, and he heard Harry softly murmur a song. "What are you singing?" Draco asked. "a song my family used to sing to fall asleep." Harry said. "Really? your aunt and uncle?" Draco asked. "My dad and his friends." Harry smiled but his smile was fake. Draco could see it. "I now sing it for my godson. He is here pretty much." Harry said. Draco nodded. "Can you sing it for me?" Draco asked. "I don't know." Harry said. "I won't judge you." Draco said. Harry nodded and started whispering the song.

I see your monster
I see your pain
tell me your problems
I'll chase them away
I'll be your lighthouse
I'll make it ok
when I see your monsters
I'll stand there so brave
and chase them all away.

Harry his voice sounded beautiful according to Draco. "I know it's rubbish." Harry whispered shyly. "No, it isn't how do you know they sang this?" Draco asked. "I found a video in my old house and another one in Sirius his house and I found loads of pictures in Remus his house." Harry answered. "Are those young people your dad and his friends?" Draco asked. Harry nodded. "And the baby in the crib that is you?" Draco asked. Harry smiled. "You miss them." Draco said. "I miss them so much. I have so many questions for them." Harry said and walked towards one of the pictures I see two man kissing. "That is my dad." He said pointing at one of the boys. "And that is Regulus, Sirius his brother." Harry said. Draco nodded. "They are family of me. Regulus was a death eater." Draco said.

Back to the time of the marauders

"James? I didn't mean to do it." Regulus said towards the older boy. "You didn't mean to do it? you still have it on your arm." James said. Regulus was mad at himself. How could he be this stupid? "The person who did this to you is going to regret it." James said and hugged Regulus. They looked each other in the eyes and kissed each other. "Prongs not my brother!" they heard Sirius yelling from the other side of the room. "Well you're together with my best friend." James said. The friends burst in laughter. "I thought I was your best friend." Sirius said. "Well my second best friend." James said. "So you're not mad at me?" Regulus asked. "I'm not mad at you, I'm md at the person who did this to you." James said. 

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