Chapter 1

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So close, damn it. Your sim won't put the toddler in the highchair. It frustrates you to no end. You've been playing this game for years and these bugs and glitches will never stop annoying you. You've gotten used to quit raging and play another game when the loading screen is light years away from finishing. At the same time you can't really blame the games because you're playing on a crappy laptop. It's so close to taking off or burst into flames but you're used to it by now. You don't have the money to buy another since your parents work hard just to pay the bills and keep your game addicted ass content.

Looking to your right on your desk is a digital clock reading 04:36 am. Luck is on your side because it's weekend and highschool is none of your concern right now but the pile of homework to your left begs to differ. Besides that, you have a project, maybe, you don't really remember, to make for a good grade with your partner. Speaking of your partner, you wished that the earth beneath his feet opened up and let him fall to infinity and back. Nori, the most annoying kid you've ever had the displeasure of meeting is your project partner.

It totally sucks.

He is lazy, aloof and annoying to be around. You don't even think you can call your interactions with him interactions at all. It always seems like you both come from another world because you can't understand what he's talking about half the time and he doesn't understand you, so you're left in a very awkward position in which both of you stare at each other waiting for an explanation on what the fuck are you both saying. The second hand embarrassment is enough to have you die from the inside and he can see it in your eyes how much you just want to disappear.

Nevertheless, the project is due in 3 weeks and you both have time to research about whatever part you both have decided to write about on the subject. You're only going to remind him once about the project and if he doesn't do his part, you're ready to leave him in the dust. One bad grade won't affect you that much.

The outside is is once more reminding you about how early in the morning it actually is and you let out a yawn. Deciding to go to sleep, you save your game and exit, then close your laptop. You pull the darker and thicker blinds over the window and the room succumbs to a much darker atmosphere, almost as if it's midnight back again.

Your bed is full of pillows, plushies and a very fluffy blanket, making it look like the perfect candidate to marry. You pull the blanket over you, almost covering your face and set your head on one of the fluffy pillows you have, pastel pink with a flower design. You are not necessarily into pink stuff but this specific pillow holds a special place in your heart as it was handmade by your mother for you. With one arm, you pull your duck plushie close to your chest for comfort, this one being gifted to you by your father ages ago, also special.

You can hear how strong the wind is outside and now having the perfect place and atmosphere, you slowly succumb to sleep, letting out a satisfied sigh leave your lips.

It doesn't take long for you to fall asleep and now the only sounds coming from you are the soft but deep breaths you release.

This day is no ordinary day, however, because as soon as you fall asleep something special happens.

The shadows grow wild and soon, 3 very small peculiar figures approach the bed you are sleeping on. One of them uses the other and climbs onto their shoulders to take a better look at your sleeping form. The 3rd figure is quietly staying on the side observing the other two.

"Is she asleep?" Whispers the first lifting the second.

The second figure lifts themselves higher, supporting themselves with their hands lifting the edge of the bed, once they get on it, they quietly make their way towards you in order to not wake you up. Studying your face and the way your chest falls and rise, they deem it safe to proceed with what they have come to do.

How to not become an obsession! (Kitsune x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now