Chapter- 16

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The next day jungkook really don't want to get up from bed. He's feeling down on his own birthday .. feeling unlucky. Unwanted.

"Let's get up.. your journey start from today." He motiva himself and wents to fresh up.

He quickly got ready. He have somewhere to go..

"It's alright taehyungie. I'm okay." A unfamiliar voice jungkook heard when he came down. A girl was calling taehyung..

He went inside the kitchen. Because from there the voice was coming.

"It's not okay! It's need bandage!" It's was taehyung voice.

Jungkook stand there, looking at taehyung bandaging a unknown girl with care.. did he felt something. Yes ..

Jealousy. Anger ..

"What is happening here!" He raised his voice. Couldn't control his anger which is raising while seeing taehyung holding the girl .

Taehyung looked at him with a blank face.

"Si-r .. I'm lalisa manobal. Lusi manobal is my unnie.. actually she is not well so she couldn't come for few days .. I'll work in her place sir." The girl named lisa said with nervous voice, because the Idol looks scary.

Jungkook pause. Then he remember that yes. Lusi has alright informed him yesterday that she is feeling unwell.

Jungkook nodded but his face remind same. Because taehyung is still holding her hand.

His eyes are fixing on the their held ..

And taehyung saw that.. and he hurriedly left her hand.

Jungkook turn and left the kitchen.

He come and sat on dinner table silently.

He was expecting lisa to come with his food. But it was taehyung who came with food.

"Why are you doing this? Where she?" Jungkook asked with a rude tone.

"She cut her, So I'm just helping her."taehyung reply while acting like nothing happen between them yesterday. 

"Why are you help her? Who is she to you?" Jungkook face clearly showing the anger ..

"She is my- " taehyung was cut of my lisa who come hurriedly.

"Actually sir we used to work in same cafe before. We are kind of friend." She said with a lovely smile.

"I'm doing no? Why did you hold it! Give me." Taehyung said when he saw lisa holding a bowl with her injured hand.

"It's okay taehyungie." She said but Taehyung took the bowl from her.

Jungkook looked down and grind his teeth so hard.

Taehyung went inside the kitchen again to get Jungkook' coffee.

"It's not spicy. Give me chilli powder lisa." Jungkook said after taking a bite of jajangmyeon which lisa just served him.

"Yes sir." She give a little chilli powder on jungkook' plate.

"It's not enough." Jungkook said and harshly took the chilli powder from lisa and drop the whole into his jajangmyeon.

"It's so much!" Lisa mumbled when she saw now mostly you can only see chilli powder rather then jajangmyeon on jungkook' plate.

He ate it like nothing. But his eyes are red so do his face. Tears are rolling but still he kept on eating it ..

This chilli is nothing compares to the chilli burning his heart.

Seeing taehyung with someone so close. And that too a girl, made jungkook feel he has already lose taehyung.

Because in this world people want a girl with a boy. Not a boy with boy..

Taehyung wiper the tears from his eyes. When he saw how jungkook is giving pain to himself just for him..

He went to jungkook and hold his hand before he would took other bite.

"Stop eat it!." Taehyung said strictly and stretch the chopsticks.

"Why?" Jungkook shout. This the first time he shouted at taehyung. And it's feels wrong.

It's hurt jungkook to the level. That he stand up and run through his room.

Taehyung said hurriedly. "Milk? where's milk?"

With that he run inside the kitchen and open the refrigerator. He took a whole pack and run through jungkook' room.

"What is happening in this household?" Lisa mumbled while looking at taehyung who is running like crazy.

"Ahhhh! Ahhh!" Jungkook shout and breathe heavily, his whole throat to nack everything is burning ..

His face is red like chilli itself.

He drunk the water hurriedly. But nothing is help.

Taehyung run inside the room and saw jungkook jumping on the room.

"Drink this, baby!" He said hurriedly and move to jungkook hold his cheeks with his hand and open it.

But jungkook is not ready to accept any help from him. So he pressed his lips together tightly.

Taehyung get really anger for the first over jungkook. He harshly made jungkook look at him with holding his cheeks tightly and said with deep voice" Open your mouth or no one will be more dangerous then me jungkook."

But jungkook didn't open. So taehyung hold his cheeks more tightly and made jungkook drink it.

He move the packet after made jungkook drink half of the milk.

And jungkook calm down. Now he can at least take breathe properly.

Taehyung sigh in relief.

"What the hell was that?huh?" Taehyung asked coldly, forcefully Made jungkook look at him.

But jungkook just stare at him with red eyes said nothing.

"What? Will you just stare at me?" His voice get a little higher. But again he get no reply.

"If you do things like this i'll leave this house!" He lastly use the last card.

And it's worked .. Jungkook reacted.

"N-no.. don't go.. plea-"jungkook try to whisper out but taehyung cut him off.

"I'll leave, if you did something like this again. Remember.!" Taehyung angrily said and stand up. Went out leaving jungkook crying again.

It's not like jungkook is hurt alone, no! Taehyung is hurt the same way. Even more then jungkook if you may asked why?

Jungkook can atleast tell him, how he loves taehyung.

But taehyung. He couldn't even do that! He wants yell that he love jungkook. So much..

He can't! If he does. He will made jungkook fell for him even more.

Taehyung walk through his room when lisa come cross.

"Is he okay?" She ask, worried for the Idol.

Taehyung said without looking at lisa. "Yesh. He's okay. "

He went to his room and sat on his bed..

"Don't hurt yo-urself like this moon. D-on't. Please love" he mumbled while staring at Jungkook' photo frame on his hand.

He was never a strong person mentally. He's very weak over jungkook.

Jungkook is crying, hurting his self infront of him. But he have nothing to do.

Taehyung have to sit and watch.

To be continued____💜✨

Small update. 🙆‍♀️

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