Chapter- 52 (Alternate happy ending 2)

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Last update of 2023! ✨

Minjun truly helped him throughout that journey and cried with him when he was crying. Both friends only prayed for God to do something and make Taehyung come back from a coma.

And it happened! But not like the way Yoongi wanted.

When Yoongi left for Jungkook's mansion. Minjun was left alone at home with Taehyung.

Suddenly minjun noticed some abnormality in Taehyung. He walks towards the man. And he saw

Taehyung's finger was moving! After days! He found movement in Taehyung!

"Tae" Minjun softly called when he saw the man was trying to open his eyes.

"Moon..." The first thing Taehyung said before slowly opening his eyes.

Minjun could only shake his head at that, like bro, you come back from a coma and that's the first thing you want! Not even water!

"Slowly tae! Slow!" Minjun shouted when Taehyung suddenly flinched up and opened his eyes in shock.

"J-jun Hyung? Wh-ere I am??" Taehyung asked his voice was husky because of not talked for weeks.

"First! Calm down. Here have this!" Minjun said and placed the glass in front of Taehyung.

Who drink the water and calm down a little.

Taehyung looked around the room confusedly. Minjun said before saying. " Yoon saved you."

Taehyung looked at him with confused eyes. So Minjun utters everything that happened in the past few days.

"Step aside!" Taehyung said after hearing everything and started to move to get down

"No! You are not stepping down! You are not okay!" Minjun scolded the man who was trying to pull the machine wires from his body.

"Jun hyung, I need to get him!" Taehyung tiredly said, trying to make Minjun understand how much we need to get away from here!

"No no! You can't even stand up! You have 10 stitches on your stomach! Five on your back! And small but deep wounds in your entire body! So shut the fuck up and lay down! I'm not your jun hyung now, I'm your doctor and you are my patient that's it!" Minjun strictly said.

"Hyung, h-he ... I need to see him... Please!" Taehyung requested.. but before Minjun could say anything else the doorbell rang.


Jin tight hugs Jungkook and his eyes don't stop for a second.

But when his hand touched Jungkook on the neck, he felt it...

Jungkook was still breathing. His pulse was going! Slow but it's here.

He hurriedly pulled out before pulling out his hankey and putting it around Jungkook's wrist.

He took Jungkook in his arms and walked down the stairs. When he was in the living room he saw Yoongi entering while running like crazy.

Yoongi will never forgive himself if anything happens to Jungkook. Because Taehyung is still alive where Jungkook is going then huh?

"We have to take him to hospital!" Jin said while walking ahead.

"No no! Let's take him to my house!" Yoongi said thinking Minjun would get Jungkook okay and Taehyung is also there.

"What nonsense! What are we gonna do in your house!" Jin shouts in frustration. And getting in front of his car.

Yoongi opens the door for him and Jin places Jungkook in the back seat.

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